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The Life & Times of Jesus of Nazareth: Christian History Map - Getting Physical
The geography that shaped the world—and world-view—of first-century Jews
Better the Infidel
Why two attempts at reunion were rejected by the Orthodox people.
To Quote
My 4 Clearer Views of God
Religion With a Human Face
One woman's extraordinary faith reveals much about the ordinary faith of the Middle Ages.
To Heaven and Back?
Betty Eadie died, met Jesus, and came back to tell us. So what's the problem? Plenty.
The Quotable Whitefield
A sampler of sayings
Protestants' Most-Famous Document
What did Luther actually say in the 95 Theses?
Fool in Rome
As a young monk, Luther longed to see Rome. But his 1510 trip to the Holy City filled him with pain and doubt.
To Verify…
Afraid of Heaven
The Eternal Weight of Glory
Heaven & Hell: Who Will Go Where and Why
Instead of going to the movies to learn about the afterlife, three theologians look to Scripture for teaching on the reward of the blessed and the fate of the damned.
1517 Luther Posts the 95 Theses
An obscure monk invited debate on a pressing church issue—and touched off a history-shattering reform movement.
From the Archives: The New Birth
Excerpts from a sermon that Moody preached at least 183 times.
The Three Rs of Moody's Theology
Three great Bible truths were central to all of Moody's preaching.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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