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How Asian Artists Picture Jesus’ Birth From 1240 to Today
Through Nativity art, the Word takes on flesh across diverse Eastern cultures.
Wedding Fire Devastates Christian Community in Iraq
And other brief news stories from Christians around the world.
Quran Burning in Sweden Singes Muslim-World Christians
Rejecting the act of an atheist “Christian” refugee, church leaders escape the ire of protests in Iraq and Pakistan.
How Should We Then Live Among Muslims? Four Arab Christian Views
Theological advice on how Middle East believers in Jesus can best witness to their faith, keep social peace, and maintain unity.
Steven Curtis Chapman Ranked Alongside George Strait and Madonna
And other news briefs from Christians around the world.
5 Books About Contemporary Christian Martyrs
Chosen by Jerry Pattengale, coauthor of “The New Book of Christian Martyrs: The Heroes of Our Faith from the First Century to the 21st Century.”
Presidente de Nicaragua cierra organizaciones cristianas sin fines de lucro
Y otras noticias breves de cristianos de todo el mundo.
No Brasil, filho de pastor é preso por suposta pirâmide de criptomoedas
E outros resumos de notícias de cristãos ao redor do mundo.
Le président du Nicaragua ferme des organisations chrétiennes à but non lucratif
Et autres nouvelles des chrétiens du monde entier.
Nicaraguan President Closes Christian Nonprofits
And other news briefs from Christians around the world.
How the Persecuted Church Wants You to Pray
Leaders in six countries explain how Christians can best support and rejoice with fellow believers suffering for their faith.
Christians Say Sayfo Martyrs Should Get Genocide Status
Syriac-Aramean Christians, fewer in number than similarly suffering Armenians, assert their Ottoman-era plight deserves separate recognition.
Est-il « chrétien » de la part de l’Europe de privilégier les réfugiés ukrainiens ?
Des évangéliques du Moyen-Orient et d’Europe méditent la réponse différenciée du continent aux crises migratoires et les enseignements de la Bible à l’égard de l’étranger.
¿Es ‘cristiano’ que Europa reciba a refugiados ucranianos, pero no a refugiados sirios?
Los evangélicos del Medio Oriente y Europa evalúan las enormes diferencias en la respuesta del continente y las enseñanzas de la Biblia sobre los extranjeros.
Acolher refugiados da Ucrânia, mas não da Síria é uma atitude “cristã” da Europa?
Evangélicos do Oriente Médio e da Europa avaliam diferentes respostas do continente e os ensinamentos da Bíblia em relação ao estrangeiro.
Is It ‘Christian’ for Europe to Welcome Refugees from Ukraine but Not Syria?
Middle Eastern and European evangelicals assess the vastly different continental response and the Bible’s teachings toward the stranger.
A Requiem for the Disappearing Christians of Iraq, Syria, Egypt, and Gaza
Their plight moved a (mostly prayerless) war correspondent to prayer and mourning.
在埃尔比勒(Erbil)的基督徒终于可以管理自己的时候,迦勒底天主教(Chaldean Catholic)大主教巴沙尔·瓦尔达(ashar Warda)向CT解释了ISIS如何将基督徒从多个世纪以来二等公民的地位中解放出来。

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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