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Saving Black Babies
Abortion has cost 13 million African American lives.
Prolife as Mafia?
Supreme Court to decide if racketeering laws apply to anti-abortion activities
Prostitutes Sue Christians
Evangelicals are causing a loss of income in Chile's sex trade
Temple Square face-off
"Baptist evangelist irks LDS, but court is on his side"
"New Congress, New Agenda"
"Abortion, judgeships, cloning ban are top priorities for conservative Christians"
New Sect: Weigh Down guru Gwen Shamblin's Remnant Fellowship grows.
"Remnant Fellowship grows, but critics see 'graceless legalism.'"
Prochoice activists take aim at Christian FDA candidate.
The Christian Medical Association says critics fear David Hager's well-grounded opposition
Homosexuality: Reformed church in Toronto welcomes active gay leaders.
Toronto church's stance sharply at odds with denomination
Evangelicals Grow as Political Force
New interest in public policy fuels election wins
'Confessing' Christians Stick It Out
"Some conservatives, however, give up on reforming their denominations"
Lewis Smedes Dead at 81
Theologian and ethicist noted for his writings on forgiveness.
Faith-Based Fight: White House moves forward with or without Senate.
"White House moves ahead on regulatory, funding fronts"
There Goes the Neighborhood
A Florida court allows a Christian church to build in a Spiritualist town
Kitsch Watch
None of Frank Bear's photo-mosaics have attracted as much attention as one of President Bush-composed of pictures of Jesus.
"Rich, Delighted Christians"
The Good of Affluence aims to give leadership to wealthy Christians moved and troubled by their fortune
Manhattan Ministry a Year Later
"As of September 2002, weddings, counseling, and courage in demand"
Prostitute Murders Spur Ministry
Vancouver Christians rescue women lost on streets
House: No Church Politicking
The Houses of Worship Political Speech Protection Act fails 239-178
New Study Answers Many Criticisms of White House's Plans
Hudson Institute's Fruitful Collaborations underscores the need for hiring freedom
Tornado Hits Union University
Blown out windows and demolished roofs but no injuries left in severe storm's wake.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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