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Смертний гріх недбалості
Біблія послідовно засуджує недотримання процедур, якщо від цього страждають інші люди. А такі випадки повсюдні.
Небрежность это смертный грех
Библия последовательно осуждает несоблюдение процедур, от которого страдают другие люди. А такие случаи повсеместны.
They’re Not Religious. But They Oppose Abortion.
“Nones” take a more prominent place in the pro-life movement.
Everything You Need to Know About the Respect for Marriage Act
The law recently advanced by the US Senate doesn’t deny religious liberty to those who support traditional unions.
Новий законопроект, внесений на розгляд парламенту Білорусі, перешкоджає християнам звертатися до ООН
П'ятидесятників переслідують за вивчення Біблії, хрещення й богослужіння на відкритому повітрі на тлі зростаючих «репресій проти громадянського суспільства».
Новый законопроект, внесенный на рассмотрение парламента Беларуси, препятствует христианам обращаться в ООН
Пятидесятников преследуют за изучение Библии, крещение и богослужения на открытом воздухе на фоне усиливающихся «репрессий против гражданского общества».
Liberalism Comes in Right-Wing and Left-Wing Varieties. Christians Should Reject Both.
Governments can’t be indifferent to the moral and spiritual health of the governed.
If We Can’t Reason Together, How Can We Worship Together?
The knowledge crisis afflicting American society poses even greater dangers for the church.
Negligence Is a Deadly Sin
The Bible is consistent in condemning shortcuts that hurt others. And they’re rife.
What Christian Colleges Can Glean from the Supreme Court’s ‘Yeshiva’ Case
The latest ruling looks like bad news for evangelical higher education, but it’s not.
Belarus Proposes Legislation to Stop Christians From Appealing to the UN
Pentecostals targeted for Bible studies, baptisms, and outdoor worship amid increasing efforts to “repress civil society.”
In Singapore, LGBT Perspectives Are Liberalizing. Can the Church Hold Together?
Evangelicals are eager to preserve their unity—and the country’s.
Existe uma alternativa saudável para o nacionalismo cristão?
A crítica de Paul Miller à idolatria política é convincente. Já a sua defesa da religião civil patriótica nem tanto.
Just Laws Alone Won’t Save Us
In this polarized moment, strong legislation isn’t a substitute for wise and discerning leaders.
When ‘Pro-Life’ Isn’t Enough: Abortion ‘Abolitionists’ Speak Up
Most Christians in the movement disagree with a vocal minority that pushes to criminalize women and opposes legal measures short of outright bans.
백인 교회들이여, 이제 생명 존중의 관점으로 총기 이슈를 바라보아야 할 때입니다
총기 폭력을 종식시키기 위해 미국의 다수 기독교인은 불안을 떨쳐버리고 흑인 목회자들과 함께 일해야 합니다.
La laïcité n’a rien de mauvais en soi
Bien comprise, elle offre le meilleur espoir de préserver la paix et la liberté dans des sociétés pluralistes.
A Patriotism of Compassion, Not Pomp and Glory
Richard Mouw reflects on the moral and spiritual work of loving your country.
Is There a Wholesome Alternative to Christian Nationalism?
Paul Miller’s critique of political idolatry is persuasive. His defense of patriotic civil religion, less so.
D. James Kennedy Ministries Loses Legal Battle Against ‘Hate Group’ Label
Supreme Court declines to reconsider definition of defamation and make it easier to prove malice.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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