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Como perder o debate sobre o aborto, mesmo o tendo ganhado
A influência cultural cristã só se sustenta quando é apoiada pela credibilidade moral da igreja.
Why Not All Pro-Lifers are Celebrating
Like the prophet Jeremiah, a biblical lament for abortion is neither apathetic nor triumphant.
How Shall We Now Grieve Abortion?
After Roe v. Wade is overturned, we must find new ways to turn our mourning into action.
How to Lose the Abortion Debate While Winning It
Christian cultural influence only lasts when it’s backed up by the moral credibility of the church.
La filtración del caso Roe contra Wade pone de manifiesto la crisis de credibilidad de EE. UU.
El aborto y la pérdida de confianza en las instituciones son dos partes del mismo problema.
The Roe Leak Spotlights America’s Crisis of Credibility
Abortion and the lost trust in institutions are two parts of the same problem.
Meet the Pro-Life Activist Who Narrowly Escaped Being Aborted Herself
How Claire Culwell’s life changed when she discovered the shocking truth about her biological mother.
Weekly Meanderings, 31 October 2020
Our weekly selection of links across the web.
Death Can Still Sting
By fighting to save physical lives, the church imitates Christ.
Pro-Lifers: Remember This Phrase from Pope Francis
Whatever our differences with Catholic social teaching, we should echo his opposition to “throwaway culture.”
Oh, the Places We’ll Stay
In a world that promises liberation from the limits of place, we are called to be rooted disciples.
Walker Percy: The Hopeful Dystopian
The novelist’s darkly satirical lessons remain stubbornly relevant, no matter the news cycle.
A Dying Child and a Living Hope
How prayer and friendship helped an expecting mother through a devastating fetal diagnosis.
Can You Hear Me Now?
In an age when most are rushing to have their say, Christians can love by giving others a hearing.
Is Your Notion of Human Dignity Too Narrow?
Why “life issues” aren’t the only issues that pivot on what it means to bear God’s image.
Almost No One in the US Believes in a ‘Consistent Ethic of Life’
Pope Francis’ critique of President Trump would apply to 96 percent of Americans, surveys suggest.
Andy Crouch: Stop Engaging 'The Culture,' Because It Doesn't Exist
We should spend more time loving our flesh-and-blood neighbor.
When the Abortion Doctor I Protested Was Killed by a Sniper
The shaken conscience of a pro-life activist.
These 6 Books Give Me Hope for a Pro-Life Future
Leading pro-life advocate Charmaine Yoest chooses readings that affirm the value of life.
Assisted Suicide and Real Death with Dignity
Advocates say that choosing when we die is a fundamental right. My late husband thought otherwise.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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