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Suicide—A Preventable Tragedy?
A ministry helps churches handle the complex issue.
The Personhood Wars
Aristotle and Aquinas enter the bioethics debate, answering what it means to be human.
Deadly Compassion (Part 1 of 3)
Some support physician-assisted suicide out of fear of a lonely, pain-filled death. Here are four professionals who are making the dying a part of the church's ministry.
Deadly Compassion (Part 2 of 3)
Some support physician-assisted suicide out of fear of a lonely, pain-filled death. Here are four professionals who are making the dying a part of the church's ministry.
Deadly Compassion (Part 3 of 3)
Some support physician-assisted suicide out of fear of a lonely, pain-filled death. Here are four professionals who are making the dying a part of the church's ministry.
EDITORIAL: Our Selective Rage
A pro-life ethic means more than being anti-abortion.
Why Women Choose Abortion
Conservatives Gain Upper Hand
Should Expectant Mothers Be Tested for HIV?
Experts debate how to reduce AIDS in newborns.
EDITORIAL: Cairo’s Wake-up Call
Although abortion was dealt a setback at the UN population conference, post-Christian values are gaining worldwide.
Are People The Problem?, Part 1—The Bet
(Some population experts predict apocalyptic scenarios. Others argue that human ingenuity can meet the challenge. Deciding who is right has as much to do with faith as with facts.
Are People The Problem?, Part 1—The Bet (b)
(Some population experts predict apocalyptic scenarios. Others argue that human ingenuity can meet the challenge. Deciding who is right has as much to do with faith as with facts.
SIDEBAR: Why Christians Should Support Population Programs
Florida Shootings Stifle Pro-lifers
Dr. Death's Dreadful Sermon
From Roe to Final Exit, there really is a slippery slope
If Scientists Create Life

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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