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Tough Grace: Clear and Consistent on Sexual Standards
Consistency means not singling out those with same-sex orientation. The same standard should apply to all.
Chaplains Under Fire
Some Chaplains Plead, Don't Repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell
Military policy on gays and lesbians survives one more round.
The Ethics of Promoting Democracy
Should the U.S. stay militarily involved in Afghanistan?
Groups Battle Over 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'
Some conservative organizations are attempting one last push back in their fight to keep gays and lesbians from openly serving in the military.
When the War Never Ends
Many vets are ambushed by post-traumatic stress disorder. But some churches are coming to their defense.
Report Suggests CIA Covered Up Role in Missionary Death
An attack that killed a missionary and her daughter can be traced to a reckless CIA-sponsored drug interception program.
Uniform Disagreement
Officers' endorsement tests First Amendment boundary.
Nurturing the Living
The Army chaplain shortage is less about low numbers than about redefining what chaplains are for.
Not Just Chaplains
Parachurch organizations are filling in the gaps through ministry to troops and their families.
The Pulse: Iraq Reconsidered
In retrospect, was it a just invasion or not?
From Protesting Abortion Clinics to Protesting the War
Evangelical Christian couple who founded Believers Against the War have a son in Iraq.
Wallis Calls Bush Plan 'Criminal'
Plus: Dallas Morning News shuts its religion section, House vote on stem cells won't beat veto, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Christian Leaders Mostly Condemn Hussein Execution
Plus: Remembering Gerald Ford and Harald Bredesen, D. James Kennedy suffers heart attack, Colorado Springs loses evangelical luster, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Not a Burning Issue
The Air Force drops a flag-folding ceremony over religious references, and no one cares.
Beyond Yellow Ribbons
Become a blessing to a military family.
Where Atrocity Is Normal
Understanding Christian soldiers who have seen the horrors of war.
Veteran Ministry
How churches can help soldiers and their families readjust after combat.
Stand Up, Stand Up for Wicca
A war widow rightly wonders: Whose freedom are we fighting for?
Post-Traumatic Faith
Understanding the plight of Christians who have killed in combat.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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