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Jesus Out of Focus
The Da Vinci Code is raising issues that go to the heart of the Christian faith—and it's starting to confuse us all.
The Lapsed Evangelical Critic
Bart Ehrman's doubt as a student at Moody has turned to agnosticism.
Dribbling Circles Around Jesus
What did Jesus mean when he said that we would do greater things than he did?—Tyler Willian, Los Angeles, California
The Jesus Dynasty: How to Explain Away the New Testament
James Tabor's historical assumptions that reject God's activity on Earth force him into odd arguments to explain the birth of Christianity.
Fulfilling God's Promises
The Message of the New Testament shows how Jesus carries out the Old Testament.
Learning from Fools
The safe thing to do with power and possessions.
It's a Rap
A new hip-hop Biblezine tries to give God street cred.
The Word from Geecheetown
Gullah-speaking slave descendants welcome New Testament translation.
Bridging the Ephesians 5 Divide
A fresh look at what this controversial marriage passage says--and doesn't say.
Evangelicals in a Secular Society
Ted Haggard says Galatians bars us from using the law to create a Christian nation.
Raiders of the Lost Pool
New finds bolster the historicity of John's Gospel.
God's New Family
Rethinking Jesus' words. "Woman, behold thy son … behold thy mother." An excerpt from The Seven Last Words from the Cross.
The Nativity of Christ
A Christmas sermon preached by Jerome.
What God Hath Not Joined
Why marriage was designed for male and female.
Why Paul Loved His Body
2 Corinthians doesn't teach that flesh and spirit are opposites, Michael Wittmer says.
Tom Wright Comments for Everyone
The author of the Christian Origins and the Question of God series is also writing a commentary series for the masses.
Why the 'Lost Gospels' Lost Out
Recent gadfly theories about church council conspiracies that manipulated the New Testament into existence are bad—really bad-history.
'Jesus and Paul': Looking at a Journalistic Approach to Christianity's Beginnings
A full review of ABC's Jesus and Paul: The Word and the Witness
Operation Evil Power
If Christ has truly defeated the powers of Satan on the Cross (Col. 2:15), why do the powers of evil effectively operate in this world?
My Enemy, Myself
What brings evangelicals together is also what pulls us apart.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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