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The Nightmare of North Korea
One man's story of brutality, courage, love, and freedom.
North Korea Human Rights Act a 'Miracle'
Michael Horowitz credits evangelicals with big role in passage.
Senate Passes North Korea Human Rights Bill
Plus: The lead attorney drops out of Terri Schiavo's defense team, Sudan blames U.S. for arming Darfur rebels, Presbyterians and Jews try to heal rift, Chicago Tribune visits Bob Jones University, and other articles from online sources around the world.
Black Eye for Freedom
Report warns about religious liberty trends around the world.
Border Crackdown
Government seeks to stamp out North Korea refugee problem.
Border Crackdown
Government seeks to stamp out North Korea refugee problem
Misérables Solutions to 'Famine Theft'
Plus: Pundits deconstruct the Gibson vs. Pope comments, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Criminal Faith
"Going nuclear, North Korea allows worship only of its dictator"
Korea: Helping Refugees Run Roadblocks
"No nation wants North Koreans, but Christians rally to their cause"
North Korea: Christians on the frontlines help refugees escape a nightmare.
Christians among the thousands making their way to China
Bearing the Cross | Jeff M. Sellers: Forgotten Gulag in North Korea
What you can do to help persecuted Christians
North Korea: 7 Christian Executions Suspected
North Korea reportedly executed Christians as young as 15 in April.
Fifty Years After Fleeing North Korea Syngman Rhee Becomes U.S. Church Head
For first time, no white male candidates for PCUSA moderator.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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