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Steubenville: Whatever Happened to Human Dignity?
A discussion of rape, responsibility, and redemption.
Are Pregnancies Even from Rape a Gift from God?
A lot of people in America find this too incredible to believe this could be true.
No Exceptions: The Case for a Consistent Pro-Life Ethic
Is unborn life not worth protecting in cases of rape and incest?
Packing Heat and Trusting Providence: Why I Own a Handgun
Being a pro-life woman means protecting my life, too.
From Death Sentence to Rape Charges, Iranian Pastor’s Case Is Rare—and Disputed
Reports differ on Nadarkhani’s status and next steps.
'It Must Stop'
The death of 14-year-old Hena Akhter spotlights concerns the international response to sexual assault.
Group Criticizes Attorney General's Proposed Prison Rape Standards
Critics say the new standards, which take effect April 4, do not require any enforcement mechanism.
500 Women and Children Raped in Congo
Despite our distance from the deadliest conflict since World War II, there are ways to respond.
A Violent, Vicious Cycle
Who will deliver us from despair and death?
Redeeming Roman Polanski
Looking for a Christian response to a child rapist with powerful friends.
Calling on the Saints
It was the body of Christ that picked up the pieces after a rape left me in shambles.
Hope in the Heart of Darkness
With 3.9 million dead and 40,000 raped, Christians work for renewal and healing in Congo's killing fields.
From Rape to Rebuilding
Women persevere in the Congo despite daunting obstacles.
Condoms for Rapists
Plus: Jewish rapper 50 Shekel goes Christian, Britain's religious hate speech law resurrected, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Paul Shanley Trial Ends, Goes to Jury
Plus: The pope feeling better, Millard Fuller ousted from Habitat, TNIV, faith and the Super Bowl, and many more articles from online sources around the world.
Medical-Record War Heats Up
Two Kansas abortion clinics refuse to comply with court order.
Escapee Denies Rape Charge
Star witness in criminal case against prominent Chinese pastor alleges officials tortured and sexually abused her to gain false testimony.
Peru's Second-Class Citizens
Christian legal activists fight to protect women and girls.
The Secret Shelter
A sliver of hope for Christian women who suffer beatings, rape, and forced conversions to Islam.
Violated Felons
Christians help lead federal campaign against prison rape

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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