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Atheists in the Foxholes—as Chaplains
Why the military's inclusion of non-believing chaplains matters.
From Russia, with Love
Orthodox Metropolitan Hilarion offers evangelicals more than an olive branch.
Why There Are Still Atheists
The heavens aren't the only proclaimers (and are sometimes silent).
Proselytizing in a Multi-Faith World
Why mutual respect and tolerance require us to witness for Christ.
The Gospel of Steve Jobs
The Apple CEO was able to articulate a perfectly secular form of hope.
We Must Not Despair
It's not the time to withdraw from politics.
Tragic Humanism
Terry Eagleton argues that evil is not as mysterious or as explainable as we think.
Culturally Focusing on the Family
How hipster evangelicals have fallen into the same consumerist traps as their parents.
Culture in an Age of Consumption
Why evangelical hipsters may be the best example of James Davison Hunter's 'faithful presence.'
Hipster Faith
To remain relevant, many evangelical pastors are following the lead of hipster trendsetters. So what happens when 'cool' meets Christ?
The Problem of Goodness
It's not just the problem of evil that baffles the secularist.
An Invisible Wall
Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, a pastor in Berlin assesses Germany's spiritual climate.
The Clothed Public Square
Hunter Baker argues that Christians should not abandon God talk.
Europe's Past Is Today's Hope
Rome won't cede the continent to secularists without a fight.
Not One Sparrow
We can be 'speciesists' and show compassion for animals.
Why You Can't Just 'Love Your Neighbor'
According to Benedict XVI's new encyclical, trying to love people without knowing the truth about them leads to mere sentiment and will do them harm.
Divine Devolution
Robert Wright thinks God is okay, as long as he behaves like a secular humanist.
Learning from Secular Nations
In 'godless' Scandinavia, people are content. Is that enough?
Atheists' Outreach
Debating God on public transit draws Christian response.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Russian novelist of spiritual depth

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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