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The Politics of Science
Recent studies on gay parenting and the abortion-suicide link showcase key tensions in our public life.
Louis C. K. Disses Himself
Crass comedian's show, 'Louie,' is a self-critical social commentary that's all for social justice.
How to Think about Social Networking in Churches
What do we do with virtual fellowship?
The Rhetoric of Chastity: Making Abstinence Sexy
Communications expert Christine Gardner reveals what makes abstinence campaigns work.
Is Online Dating for Christians?
An anthropologist, a writer, and a ministry leader consider Christian dating websites.
A Tarnished Silver Anniversary
What is destroying marriage in the Wes—and what has sustained my husband and me through several potentially marriage-destroying events.
The 'D Word' at U.S. Christian Colleges
At my Christian university, we are working toward reconciliation across ethnic and racial lines. We have a ways to go.
'The Blind Side' Reaches Across Class and Race
A movie about a Christian woman's outreach to an African American teenager depicts redemption, but only at the personal level.
Free Webinar with Christian Smith
Tune in as CT chats with the sociologist about his latest findings on young adults' religious and spiritual lives.
Joyous Cursing
Was Dale Earnhardt Jr. right about profanity?
Forgetting God
Why decadence drives out discipline.
A Crumbling Institution
How social revolutions cracked the pillars of marriage.
Affectionate Patriarchs
In the popular imagination, conservative evangelical fathers are power-abusing authoritarians. A new study says otherwise.
Creating Husbands and Fathers
The discussion of gender roles moves beyond 'proof-text poker.'
Raising Up Fathers
An interview with Maggie Gallagher
Redeeming Conflict
Boundaries Face to Face focuses on conversations for building the right walls.
State of the Unions
Administration proposes plan to teach couples relationship skills
Civil Unions: Would a Marriage by any Other Name Be the Same?
Some theologically conservative Christians support civil unions and remain opposed to same-sex marriage.
Why Gay Marriage Would Be Harmful
Institutionalizing homosexual marriage would be bad for marriage, bad for children, and bad for society.
Turning the Mainline Around
New sociological studies show that evangelicals may well succeed at renewing wayward Protestantism

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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