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Too Racy for Bible Study
Origen could not believe the Song of Songs was a hymn to erotic love. So what did it mean?
The Scholars at Antioch Rejected Allegory in Favor of History
But their interpretive method led some into heresy.
Three Wise Men from the East
The Cappadocian Fathers brought the best gift of all: a powerful scriptural defense of the Trinity and Christ's divinity against the Arian heretics.
Classical Ear-Training
What the church fathers heard in Homer and Virgil tuned them to the harmonies of Scripture
Augustine's Key
The West's foremost theologian offered a single principle by which even the unlearned could unlock Scripture's meaning.
Anatomy of an Explosion
It's an indelible image: the white missionary venturing into deepset Africa. But the real story is what happened when African converts relayed the gospel message in their own words.
Pioneer of Self-Euthanizing Missions
To Henry Venn, a mission's only purpose was to render itself unnecessary.
J.R.R. Tolkien: Did You Know?
Windows on the life and work of J.R.R. Tolkien
One Truth, Many Tales
How did Tolkien's approach to writing for a secularizing world compare with those of his Christian contemporaries?
Tollers & Jack
Tolkien and Lewis made an odd couple, but the contributed profoundly to each other's work.
Father of Epic Fantasy
Scores of authors have paid Tolkien the highest homage - imitation.
The War for Narnia Continues
Charles Colson, Andrew Greeley, Frederica Mathewes-Green, and Lauren Winner join the battle—and Doug Gresham comes out to reply.
Myth Matters
Why C.S. Lewis's books remain models for Christian apologists in the 21st century
A Polysemantic Country Song?
If you still can't grasp what Dante meant to say in the Comedy, this may (or may not) help.
Dante's Guide to Heaven and Hell: Christian History Interview - Classics of Common Memory
Why Dante's medieval masterwork continues to thrive in translation.
The Rest of the Stories
Dante's other books further illuminate his medieval mindset and shed light on the Comedy.
Christian Fiction Gets Real
New novels offer gritty plots and nuanced characters—but can they find a market?
Where Would Civilization Be Without Christianity? The Gift of Literacy
In many parts of the world, the birth of literacy coincides with the arrival of Christian missionaries.
The Musical Theology of Spirituals
"Nobody knows the trouble I see, nobody knows my sorrow."
Historic Premillennialism: Taking the Long View
Most early Christian thinkers weren't troubled by the delay of Jesus' return. They were troubled by those who thought he was coming soon.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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