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The Pink Scandal of the Evangelical Mind
The Evangelical Theological Society has its first female president. But what about intellectual life for women in the pews?
Noël est un mythe devenu réalité.
Comment le fait de l’Incarnation répond aux attentes de toutes les cultures.
Have Yourself a Bluesy/Lo-Fi/Choral/Global Little Christmas
CT picks 7 new holiday albums to add to your favorites.
Should Gaza’s Christians Flee South, Evacuate East, or Stay in Church Shelters?
Sick, hungry, and weary, Palestinian Christians are urged by IDF to leave the northern strip, while outside advocates debate a West Bank escape. Temporary cease-fire offers window of opportunity to decide.
16개 복음주의 연합이 가자 지구의 휴전을 촉구하며 하마스를 규탄하다
‘정의로운 평화’를 추구하는 지역 및 국가 연합체들이 발표한 성명서는 유사한 인도주의적 호소보다 성경적으로 더 깊이가 있다.
У Віфлеємі, Єрусалимі та Йорданії скасовані різдвяні святкування
Відчуваючи спустошеність через події в Газі, християни Святої Землі вирішили обміняти святковий настрій на благословенний Святий Вечір на знак солідарності зі страждаючими сусідами.
В Вифлееме, Иерусалиме и Иордании отменены рождественские празднования
Чувствуя опустошенность из-за событий в Газе, христиане Святой Земли решили обменять праздничное настроение на благословенный Святой Вечер в знак солидарности со страдающими соседями.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 82|58min
N.T. Wright on the Bible’s Most Misunderstood Verse
The author and theologian dives deep into the heart of Romans.
Paid Content
Paid Content for Pushpay
The Best Gift You Can Give Your Church This Year
Your congregants need—and deserve—innovation.
Music & MeaningEpisode 0|3min
Trailer: Music & Meaning
Grammy Award–winning music producer Charlie Peacock shares evocative, in-depth stories of crafting popular songs the whole world sings.
How Can Older Believers Better Support Gen Z?
The next generation values open-mindedness and is highly skeptical of religious institutions. But they haven’t given up on God.
Canadian Evangelical Scholar Fired Following University Investigation
A Christian college terminated John G. Stackhouse after an independent report alleged a pattern of inappropriate remarks to students. The professor challenges the findings.
Africa’s Wall Street Quiets Christian Worship
In the commercial capital of Malawi, Pentecostal pastors and churches face fines or removal for making a joyful noise.
The Christian Liberal Arts Tradition Can Appeal to Christians and Non-Christians Alike
Its main rivals seek truth without transcendence, or justice without redemption. And both flatten the meaning of human existence.
حتى تذبل نبتة حماس السامة
وجهة نظر من فلسطيني مسيحي لمأساة هذا الأسبوع في إسرائيل – وكيفية معالجة جذور المشكلة.
Viral JesusEpisode 98|10min
My Shepherd, My Lord
A Psalm for those who don’t know what happens next.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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