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Extreme Days for Megiddo
Film producer Matt Crouch reasons that God positioned the movie right after September 11
Cinema Verities
Even when they're writing fiction, these Hollywood insiders bring the truth to bear
Reel School for Real Christians
Act One prepares Christian screenwriters to write Hollywood blockbusters
"Come for the Music, Stay for the Worship"
"Diversity in artists, worship and people last through 18 years of the Cornerstone Festival."
Stryper Returns to Play the Festival They Always Should Have
Cornerstone Music Festival takes a look back at artists who paved the way.
'You Cannot Serve God by Emulating Mammon!'
Steve Rabey's 1985 article and a publicity photo of the heavy metal band Stryper stirred controversy.
Left Behind: Author LaHaye Sues Left Behind Film Producers
Producers didn't make the blockbuster they promised, he says
Film Tries to Bridge Chasm Between Jews, Evangelicals
A new documentary explores each group's concept of prayer, the Bible, and the Messiah.
Can Choir Outreach Sustain the Song?
Cathedral choristers begin singing in schools to stir new interest in an English church tradition.
Rock's Real Rebels
Christians (and the god-haunted) make inroads into new territory
$40 Million Suit Filed Over Omega Code
Dying minister claims Trinity Broadcasting Network stole her story.
Film: Cameras Rolling
Bestseller Left Behind's big-screen debut set for 2001.
Popular Culture: The Ballad of John and Jesus
Two books tell the story behind John Lennon's short-lived conversion.
Cease-Fire in the Worship Wars
A dispatch from the Calvin Symposium on Worship and the Arts

Top Story June 1, 2024

The Moral Confusion Around Trump’s Felony Conviction
The Moral Confusion Around Trump’s Felony Conviction
Among the former president’s antagonists and admirers alike, there is a great deal of calling evil good and good evil.

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