
Hell's Final Enigma
Won't heaven's joy be spoiled by our awareness of unsaved loved ones in hell?
The Church of O
With a congregation of 22 million viewers, Oprah Winfrey has become one of the most influential spiritual leaders in America.
Easter in an Age of Terror
Living and dying—and living again—after September 11.
Bible Translation: TNIV Critics Blast Scripture 'Distortions'
But evangelical backers of new translation say gender changes are 'accurate.'
Why the TNIV Draws Ire
"No translation is perfect, and each must be read with a careful exegetical eye."
'Jesus Only' Isn't Enough
Where exactly do Oneness Pentecostals stand in relation to orthodoxy? Are they in or out?
Which Version Should We Use?
What we said when the NIV was first published.
Is the God of Muhammad the Father of Jesus?
The answer to this question reveals the heart of our faith.
Does God Hear Muslims' Prayers?
We must remember that God does not deal with theologies; he deals with persons.
Only God Is Free
Many discussions about openness theology assume that human freedom and divine freedom are pretty much the same thing. They're not
Bible Translation: Revised NIV Makes Its Debut
Translators alter 7 percent of the text to update style and gender issues.
Translation Wars
Sharp as debate over the TNIV may be, the version's translators are getting off easy compared to John Wycliffe and William Tyndale.
Islam a religion of peace?
The controversy reveals a struggle for the soul of Islam
Wisdom in a Time of War
What Oswald Chambers and C.S. Lewis teach us about living through the long battle with terrorism
"The True, the Good, and the Beautiful Christian"
Beauty is making a comeback in science and theology. Will it find its place in the lives of believers?
Closed to Openness: Scholars Vote: God Knows Future
But supporters of open theism say they'll stay in the Evangelical Theological Society despite resolution
Welcoming the Uninvited Savior
"When the Holy Family fled Bethlehem, Herod's evil became a blessing for Egypt"
Rethinking Pacifism
Many peace-church leaders, shaken by attacks, reexamine their beliefs
Has God Played Fair?
Why did an omniscient God create humankind knowing that people, in every generation, would reject him?
Wake-up Call
If September 11 was a divine warning, it's God's people who are being warned

Top Story May 10, 2024

Reality Is Now a Diss Track
Reality Is Now a Diss Track
Drake and Kendrick Lamar’s rivalry reveals our craving for controversy—and what’s lost when community is based on shared hatred, not love.

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