
Conservative Anglicans Create Rival Church
Top leader Duncan expects to see Episcopal Church 'displaced.'
Livid and Afraid
An ancient pundit on the meaning of economic disaster.
Ignorance as Blessing
Foreknowledge: for God and not for us.
Prepare the Way of the Lord
An Advent calendar.
Marching Farmers, Homeless Slaves
How Christianity's Jewish roots point us to a different kind of Thanksgiving.
All Monotheisms Are Not Alike
How the Apostles' Creed can sharpen our dialogue with Muslims.
Evangelical Theological Society Votes Not to Amend
It will stay about biblical inerrancy and the Trinity.
One Hundred Years of Wit and Wisdom
Lyle Dorsett extols G.K. Chesterton's Orthodoxy.
The Leadership Cult
Why are we fascinated with the very thing Jesus warned us against?
Northwestern Tempest
St. Paul college seeks reconciliation amid ongoing identity conflict.
Aliens and Citizens
In the body of Christ, we learn how to be both.
Buy Local
What does ecclesiology have to do with the election?
On the Road with Atheism
Christopher Hitchens squares off with Douglas Wilson.
When Cowardice Meets Passion
Why I admire but sometimes don't follow single-issue activists.
A Variety of Evangelical Politics
A recent spate of books suggests we are more politically diverse than ever — and maybe that's the way it's supposed to be.
God's Revolutionary Demand
Conversion to Christ means an entirely new dimension of living.
The Marks of a Christian
How do you know if you're a Christian?
My Personal Use of the Bible
"If ever I get to the place where the Bible becomes to me a book without meaning, without power, and without the ability to reprove and rebuke my own heart, then my ministry will be over."
Firm on the Fundamentals
Carl Henry on Graham's contributions to evangelicalism.
Keeping the End in View
How the strange yet familiar doctrine of theosis can invigorate the Christian life.

Top Story May 3, 2024

‘Wildcat’ Is as Unsettling as Flannery O’Connor Would Have Wanted
‘Wildcat’ Is as Unsettling as Flannery O’Connor Would Have Wanted
Ethan Hawke has made a movie as scandalous as one of the writer’s short stories.

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