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Dobson Threatens Bush with Conservative Walkout if He Chooses Prochoice Running Mate
Plus: Robertson supports death penalty moratorium, evangelical chaplains sue the Navy, and other stories from around the world.
Religious Right Is Good People Says Gay Writer
Plus: Falwell starts voter registration drive, Walter Martin's relatives call for Hank Hanegraaff's resignation, and other religion stories from around the world.
Wheaton College Crusaders No More
Plus: Triumphant China continues persecution, Sudan halts bombing, and other important and interesting religion news from sources around the world.
The Invisible Seminaries
Plus: Charges of racism in church zoning denials, secularism blamed for killing 43,000 Canadians annually, and other stories about Christians and Christianity from the world's mainstream media sources.
Jesus Returns in Florida
Plus: iBelieve.com ads will air on Jesus after all, political church will stay taxed, and links to other stories from the mainstream press.
Is CBS's Survivor Pro-Abortion Pro-Euthanasia and Pro-Evolution?
Plus: Southern Baptists' resolution solution, Call to Renewal readies for conventions, and other news stories from around the Internet
Supreme Court Strikes Down Public Student-Led Prayer
Plus: James Boice dies, reactions to the pardoning of the pope's would-be assassin, and other stories from other media sources.
No Gay Unions in Presbyterian Churches
Plus: Focus puts the pressure on Procter & Gamble, and the fight to ban partial-birth abortions continues.
IRS Oredered to Refund Christian Coalition's Taxes
Plus: The He Said No controversy, home colleging, and other news stories from the world's mainstream media.
Evangelicals Try to Stop Cathedral's Appearance in Harry Potter Movie
Plus: Russian Orthodox Church issues major documents, Tony Campolo speaks on counseling the president, and other stories from around the world.
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