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Don't Be That Woman
Culture wants to caricaturize women leaders. But God sees us in a different light.
Moving Forward After a Difficult Week
Unity may indeed be needed after the election, but it’s okay to grieve first.
Pastor, How Do You Pray for Your Church?
10 ministry leaders respond.
Preach Nothing New This Christmas . . . And It Will Be Novel
Do we always have to find a new spin on the Christmas story?
Art of Lent
Finding our words with images.
Is It Selfish to Say No?
Not if we want to bless and to continue to bless.
The True Source of Our Authority
We can’t depend on our education, willpower, or gifts.
The Pastoral Work of Reshaping Imaginations
Five tools to help your people combat the lie that they aren't loved by God.
Kicking the Sermon Series Habit
Using the Lectionary for your sermon planning.
Where Can a Pastor Find Church?
Can those who lead congregations receive ministry from them as well?
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