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8 Reasons I’ve Started Listening to Church Leadership Podcasts Lately
Listening will never replace reading. But podcasts have become a significant and valuable part of my church leadership learning experience.
8 Characteristics of a Great Podcast (Plus Some Church Leadership Podcasts I Like)
If you're a podcaster, here's one listener's blunt assessment of what works and what doesn’t. This is the stuff your friends won't tell you.
6 Markers of Especially Welcoming Churches
Insights from a church secret shopper.
Why I've Stopped Reading All Those '10 Reasons Your Church Isn’t Growing' Lists
Please stop beating us down for what you think we’re not doing. Guilt doesn’t motivate, it discourages.
The Resurrection: Good News vs Fake News (An Easter Sermon Idea)
The first challenge to the truth of the gospel wasn’t a competing idea or argument. It was the planting of a fake news story.
CTPastors Has a Small Church Section – And They Want to Hear From You!
How to pitch, write and submit an article that fellow small church pastors will want to read, and the editors of CTPastors will want to publish.
The Most Important Lesson Older and Younger Ministers Can Learn from Each Other
If I had one chance to tell younger and older ministers how to treat each other, here's what I'd say.
What Makes Your Church Your Church?
3 building blocks to help you tell your story.
5 Things You Should Never Say To A Small Church Pastor 
Don’t just get the content right. Consider how it might feel to the hurting pastors who need your help the most.
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