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Recovery Ministries
One amazing way churches can live out the gospel is by offering recovery ministries like support groups and counseling.
Urgent Care: Substance Abuse
Equip your leaders to reach out to men and women suffering from addictions.
Are Churches Fixing Problems No One Cares About?
People who don’t attend church aren’t as angry as we think. They’re apathetic. Anger would be easier to deal with.
Bigger Fixes Nothing (7 Unexpected Steps Toward Church Health)
What two reality TV shows taught me about bringing innovation, health, and joy to broken churches and pastors.
Turning Your Small Church's Limitations Into an Innovative Advantage
Small churches need to be innovative because we don't have the resources to be normal.
Hoverboards In Church? 22 Differences Between Gimmicks and Innovations
Gimmicks are like candy. They're fun for a moment. But you can't build a steady diet – or a strong church – on them.
Transition Without Relocation: 8 Steps to Stay Fresh In a Long-Term Pastorate
A pastor who stops learning, stops leading. And a pastor who stops leading, stops pastoring. Even if they stay on the job.
Why the Next Great Move of God Will Make Church People Uncomfortable
How will we know when the next great move of God happens? Because it will be felt outside the church, too.
Rest and Renewal for Busy Church Leaders
When was the last time you felt really, truly refreshed? Between late night committee meetings, weekends of services, and round-the-clock availability for counseling and crises, the demands of ministry all too often leave leaders feeling physically exhausted and spiritually limp. While we all know the importance of rest and renewal, it can be difficult to allow ourselves to take time out of our day to rest and renew our bodies and souls.
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