
The Ned Testament
The Simpsons' neighbor gets his own book, emphasizing the show's largely favorable treatment.
Emergent's New Christians and the Young, Restless Reformed (Conclusion)
Tony Jones and Collin Hansen find connections as they discuss each other's books and movements.
Another Brick in the Oprah Empire
Her and Eckhart Tolle's webinars on A New Earth attracted 2 million participants.
Emergent's New Christians and the Young, Restless Reformed
Tony Jones and Collin Hansen find connections as they discuss each other's books and movements.
My Top 5 Presidential Biographies
Emergent's New Christians and the Young, Restless Reformed, Part 3
Tony Jones and Collin Hansen find connections as they discuss each other's books and movements.
How Public Is the Gospel?
N. T. Wright's latest book renews debate over evangelism and good works.
Emergent's New Christians and the Young, Restless Reformed
Tony Jones and Collin Hansen find connections as they discuss each other's books and movements.
The Bible, Illuminated by Fashion Photography
The project leader of a magazine-format Bible hopes images will provoke people to read Scripture.
Emergent's New Christians and the Young and Restless Reformed
Tony Jones and Collin Hansen find connections as they discuss each other's books and movements.
Dulling the Body, Buffing the Soul
Gertrude the Great suggests an inverse relationship between comfort and holiness in the meaty devotional, A Little Daily Wisdom: Christian Women Mystics.
The Healing Pen
Philip Yancey writes to save his past—and others' futures.
The Problem with Juicy Memoirs
Recent tell-all biographies of parents are only symptoms of deeper concern.
Short reviews of books on jihadism, the Lord's Supper, and Steve Martin.
My Top 5 Books on World Christianity
The CEO Who Takes Greek Exegesis
The experience of Zondervan's new head, Maureen 'Moe' Girkins, hints at the future of Christian publishing.
Dear Disillusioned Generation
The 'failed experiment' called the church still looks better than the alternatives.
The Elusive Middle
Jim Wallis's attempt to transcend party politics in The Great Awakening never takes off.
Where Jim Wallis Stands
The longtime activist on abortion, gay marriage, Iraq — and biblical orthodoxy.
Yes, Nominal Evangelicals Exist
But they are an opportunity, not a scandal.

Top Story May 16, 2024

The Caregiving Boom Needs Spiritual Support
The Caregiving Boom Needs Spiritual Support
By calling or circumstance, millions in the “sandwich generation” feel the weight and cost of tending to aging relatives.

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