
Reimagining Missions
Two scholars seek to rescue the Great Commission from narrowly evangelistic readings, but their answers may be dangerously wide
Rock & Roll Apologetics
New and noteworthy books on the Beatles, hate, and other subjects.
Popular Culture: The Ballad of John and Jesus
Two books tell the story behind John Lennon's short-lived conversion.
1999 Christianity Today Book Awards
CT Books Awards 2000
2000 Christianity Today Book Awards
CT picks the top ten books of the past year
The Millenial Book Awards
A review of end-times books with only a wee, little bit of Y2K hype thrown in.
In His Steps: How to Become an Apprentice of Jesus
A review of Dallas Willard's "The Divine Conspiracy."
Knowing Packer
The lonely journey of a passionate Puritan.
Just As He Is
Two books highlight why Billy Graham is the 'man of thecentury.'
Robert Bork: Give Me Liberty, But Don't Give Me Filth
The legal theorist and Supreme Court nominee makes a case for censorship.
1996 Christianity Today Book Awards
1995 Christianity Today Book Awards
BOOKS: Friends or Lovers?
BOOKS: Worth Mentioning
News, notices, and curiosities

Top Story April 28, 2024

India Says It Has a Border Crisis. Christians Say the Solution Will Divide Them.
India Says It Has a Border Crisis. Christians Say the Solution Will Divide Them.
The government plans to close its porous border with Myanmar to boost security, separating ethnic groups that straddle the boundary.

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