Movies & TV

The New ‘Magic School Bus’ Still Sees Knowledge as a Gateway to Wonder
For many, science is about pursuing mastery. Ms. Frizzle has always invited us to marvel instead.
In ‘Stranger Things 2,’ No One Is Safe from Trauma’s Haunting
The second season of Netflix’s groundbreaking series explores the dire consequences of ignoring suffering.
‘Blade Runner 2049’ Finds Hope Within Its Bleak Dystopia
Denis Villeneuve's ambitious sequel is a life-affirming spectacle of noir and neon.
Movie-Filtering Service Files for Bankruptcy to Pause Copyright Fight
Faith and family-friendly VidAngel turns to Chapter 11 protections.
Lecrae’s ‘All Things Work Together’ Is a Grace-Filled Mic Drop
On his Columbia Records debut, the rapper answers his evangelical critics while staying close to his true roots.
‘Goodbye Christopher Robin’ Explores the Painful Origins of Winnie-the-Pooh
Fox’s new A. A. Milne biopic is more Eeyore than Tigger—but maybe that’s a good thing.
‘Discovery’ May Be the ‘Star Trek’ that Gets Humanity Right
In its next chapter, the classic sci-fi series looks to clear the blind spots from its utopian vision.
‘First Reformed’ Imagines a Stunning Dark Night of the Soul
At long last, Paul Schrader’s cinematic masterpiece.
‘Home Again’ Fails to Challenge Shallow Notions of ‘Home’
Hallie Meyers-Shyer's directorial debut reveals just how dissatisfying good fortune can be.
Art of Darkness: Angelina Jolie’s Latest Film Succeeds at Personalizing Genocide
What "First They Killed My Father" tells me about suffering and the imago Dei.
‘Twin Peaks: The Return’ Gets Cosmic Conflict Disturbingly Right
David Lynch’s cult-classic revival is exactly as imaginative—and as uncomfortable—as it always needed to be.
Sufjan Stevens’ ‘Planetarium’ Charts a God-Sustained Cosmos
The singer-songwriter’s latest collaboration sets a distinctly biblical course through the Created Order.
In the 'DuckTales' Reboot, Family Remains Scrooge's Riskiest Adventure
As the new Disney series reminds us, 'Family is nothing but trouble.' That's exactly what makes it valuable.
'House of Cards' Keeps Scraping the Bottom of Evil's Barrel
After five seasons, it's high time the Underwoods' crimes come home to roost.
Why Christians Should Avoid Watching Rape Scenes
What if there's a hidden human cost to our entertainment?
'They Call Us Monsters' Offers a More Compassionate Brand of Juvenile Justice
Ben Lear's directorial debut humanizes the debate about adult prison sentences for juvenile offenders.
'Atomic Blonde' Delivers Female Action Without An Action Hero
After seeing the new spy thriller, I still don't know what a female action hero looks like.
Recent Documentaries Look to Restore Faith in a Storied Free Press
A slate of four films highlight journalists' ongoing quest to share truth.
'A Ghost Story' Is a Haunting Ode to the Privilege of Witness
David Lowery's superb supernatural drama offers a God's-eye perspective on the intimate and the infinite.
‘The Big Sick’ Is a Rom-Com about a Broader Kind of Love
Kumail Nanjiani and Emily V. Gordon’s fresh take on the genre is a love poem, a laugh fest—and a refreshing ode to the beauty of family.

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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