Church Life+Ministry

South Korean Politicians Blame U.S. for Taliban Hostages
Korean officials seek direct negotiations with kidnappers.
After Taliban Kills Two Hostages, South Korea Pleads for Compromise
As another deadline passes, Taliban abductors make threats and Afghanistan warns of military action.
Glocal Church Ministry
Bob Roberts has an idea that may change American congregations, if not the world.
Love Covers—or Discovers?
Every cat knows some things need to be buried.
Grace—That's So Sick
The church seems to be an embarrassment to everyone except its Lord.
Sorrow But No Regrets
My life in the troubled, redemptive church.
Reasonable Cause
Southern Baptists debate the role of their Message in hiring, firing.
Missions That Heal
Ministering across the wealth divide means giving up our savior complex.
Assemblies of God head steps down early
Thomas Trask has led denomination since 1993, but term was to conclude in two years.
Honest Ecumenism, Again
As we said in 2000, the Vatican's statement on the nature of the church is a step forward, not backward, for Christian unity.
The Passivity Of American Christians
The myths that are intimidating those who hold forth a biblical heritage, and what can be done about them.
First Church of Prosperidad
Arlene Sanchez Walsh on the African-style prosperity gospel right in our backyards--in immigrant Latino churches.
Gospel Riches
Africa's rapid embrace of prosperity Pentecostalism provokes concern--and hope.
Just As We Were
Is mass evangelism dead?
From Tower-Dwellers to Travelers
Ugandan-born theologian Emmanuel Katongole offers a new paradigm for missions.
Brewing Battle
Missouri Baptists frown on beer as evangelistic hook.
A Precarious Calm
A year after the July 2006 war, Lebanon's Christians face a murky future.
Grace Under Fire
The Billy Graham model for handling conflicts and controversies.
Seeker Unfriendly
We need more than worship that makes sense.

Top Story May 7, 2024

Let the Neurodivergent Children Come to Me
Let the Neurodivergent Children Come to Me
Gentle parenting is one tool to train up children who have disabilities with love and wisdom.

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