Church Life+Ministry

Gender Roles Beyond the Western Church
Scott W. Sunquist calls the American church to observe the diversity in ecclesiologies around the world.
The Witness of Women Is Written on the Walls
I needed female heroes, and I found them in ancient churches.
The Body of Christ Cannot Be Mummified
An oft-forgotten mummy in Scripture teaches us how idolatry deadens, but Jesus awakens.
Single Christians Have Common Needs—the Same Needs All Christians Have
Anna Broadway’s survey of global singleness challenges a marriage status hierarchy within the church.
Bad News May Be a Burning Bush
I understand frustration with media negativity. But bad news may be God’s invitation to work alongside him.
Reading the Bible With Women
The caricature of Rahab and other female characters in Scripture often sidelines their contribution.
My Disabled Son Is the Image of God
As a pastor, I’ve wrestled with the theological implications of my child’s disability.
Mamie Johnston: A Brave Missionary in Manchuria
Bandits, Japanese invaders, and Communists all threatened her life. Her dedication never wavered.
UK Christians Asked to Give Up Their Banks for Lent
Climate activists say finance is a justice issue and moving accounts can have a significant impact.
Ezekiel’s Visions, AI’s Revisions
I asked ChatGPT to illustrate passages from the Old Testament prophet, and the results raise important questions for the church.
SBC Executive Committee Says No Charges Following Federal Investigation
Without offering details on the nature of the Justice Department inquiry, the denomination’s administrative entity says it’s “grateful” that “no further action” will be taken around its response to abuse.
Global Methodists Run Toward Renewal
On the other side of disaffiliation, traditionalist congregations pursue prayer, revival, and revitalization.
Brazilian Evangelicals Bring Their Political Playbook to Portugal
Immigrants from South America are a growing force in churches on the other side of the Atlantic. But their electoral initiative is viewed with reservations.
How a Chinese Church in America Surmounts Racism and Ethnocentrism
Their Chinese pastor prayed and shared pulpits with Black and white pastors and volunteered to deliver packages to know the multicultural surroundings better.
YWAM Rallies After 11 Missionaries Killed, 8 Wounded in Tanzania Bus Accident
Darlene Cunningham: “We have not seen a tragedy of this magnitude in all of [our] history … [leaders’] deaths create a massive vacuum” for Youth With a Mission.”
More Evangelicals See Immigrants as a Threat and Economic Drain
Survey: Even with growing concerns over the past two years, most still favor immigration reform and say the church has a responsibility to help.
Wang Zhiming: Miao Martyr Memorialized in Westminster Abbey
He was tortured for his faith but remained steadfast through the Cultural Revolution.
God Whispers to a Restless and Grief-Stricken Heart
An excerpt on doubt, despair, and restoration from Land of My Sojourn: The Landscape of a Faith Lost and Found.
Calvin President Resigns Over Inappropriate Messages
Trustees found Wiebe Boer’s alleged conduct “concerning” and “inconsistent with the high standard and character” the college expects of its leadership.
In Six-Hour Meeting, Park Street Votes to Affirm Current Leadership
Senior minister Mark Booker asks the historic evangelical congregation to commit to work of repair after “break of trust.”

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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