Church Life+Ministry

How Many Churches Does America Have? More Than Expected
Best estimate yet of US congregations finds rise of the ‘nons’ has more impact than rise of the ‘nones.’
Survey: Being a Pastor’s Wife Is Good for Faith, Bad for Friendship
Though expectations have shifted, spouses still feel the weight of church drama.
Stay Woke: A Q&A with ‘Faithfully Magazine’
The story behind a new, multiethnic journalistic enterprise.
Searching for Christian Heroines from History? Look to the Early Church
How women were instrumental to the rise of Christianity.
The CallingEpisode 53|45min
Richard Stearns Left His American Dream to 'Stand with the Vulnerable'
The president of World Vision shares what led him from the CEO's office to the front lines of humanitarian crisis.
1 in 3 American Evangelicals Is a Person of Color
But study of 101,000 people across 50 states discovers denominations make a big difference.
Are Smart, Educated Women Still Called to the Church Nursery?
For women like me, children’s ministry can seem like low-level work for the least experienced.
God Hears Your Back-to-School Prayers
A new school year brings more challenges and opportunities for Christians in education.
When Jesus Doesn’t Calm the Storm
As I faced the Houston floods, I found myself asking questions about God’s providence.
I Met the Man Who Killed My Entire Family
How Rwandan genocide survivor Immaculee Ilibagiza found forgiveness.
Iceland Capital’s Only Baptist Pastor Doesn’t Want Down Syndrome Eliminated
Pro-life minority faces major challenge in ‘most godless country’ in Europe.
A Healthier Approach to Disagreement in the Church Begins With One Unusual Word
How practicing forbearance strengthens our fellowship and improves our social witness.
Learning from Paul to Leverage Networking for Missions
The 'Apostle to the Gentiles' had an entrepreneurial spirit that helped him spread the Gospel.
The CallingEpisode 52
For Latasha Morrison, Unity Begins with Relationship
The “Be the Bridge” founder on why building cross-cultural friendships should be the Church’s starting line.
How Christians Can Combat Racism Theologically After Charlottesville
A pair of scholars bring up a new and old approach.
I'm a Rare Breed: An Elite Chess Player Who’s Open About His Faith
Why I follow Jesus publicly, even when people warn that my career will suffer.
It’s Not Only Bullies Who Boast
We’re too quick to ignore one of Paul’s most persistent warnings.
Are We Missing the Point of Spiritual Disciplines?
The goal isn't merely getting closer to God, but making a difference in everyday life.
The Beginning of Dementia Isn’t the End of Grace
How the church can come to the aid of sufferers and their loved ones.
Keith and Kristyn Getty: Singing Isn’t Just for Sunday
Why congregational worship is a feast we prepare all week long.

Top Story May 27, 2024

Pastors Will Try to Spare South Africa’s Tense Elections from Violence
Pastors Will Try to Spare South Africa’s Tense Elections from Violence
Oscar Siwali is mobilizing conflict mediators as the country goes to the polls. He only wishes his organization could train more.

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