Church Life+Ministry

At Prison Church, Inmates Find Faith Behind the Razor Wire
In one Michigan institution, it's a real congregation — not just a ministry.
Recovering Church History: Exile from Babylon
The Iraqi Christian community, now nearly gone, was the church's center for a millennium.
Architect of ELCA merger dies at 90
Robert J. Marshall helped lay the groundwork for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Black Flight
African American churches leave the inner city for the suburbs.
Ponzi Scandal of the Day?
Kyiv megachurch leader Sunday Adelaja faces allegations he was involved in scamming congregants.
Keeping St. Nick, the Man Not Myth, Alive
More and more churches are finding ways to practice the St. Nicholas story.
Q&A: What Obama's Election Means for the Segregated Church
Michael O. Emerson on why black and white evangelicals can't believe the other voted as they did.
Second Thoughts
Groups reconsider their presence after another killing in Afghanistan.
Emergent's Divergence
Leaders hope decentralizing power will revitalize the movement.
Get Thee Behind Us
The Devil's latest marketing guise.
Always Summer, Never Christmas
Bolivian evangelicals wonder how—and whether—to celebrate the holiday of the Incarnation.
Reconciling Christmas
A new ministry to Bethlehem does more than deliver gifts every December.
Looking for Moral Capitalism
Let there be accountability for the financial crisis, and let it begin with me.
Younger Schuller Resigns from Crystal Cathedral
Robert H. Schuller said a month ago that his son would no longer be the sole preacher on the church's television program.
What's Ahead for the Fractured Episcopal Church?
The new Anglican branch will face several significant hurdles.
Some Boats Stay Afloat
An economic downturn isn't always bad news for giving.
Scrooge Lives!
Why we're not putting more in the offering plate. And what we can do about it.
Conservative Anglicans Create Rival Church
Top leader Duncan expects to see Episcopal Church 'displaced.'
Looking to Make a Buck?
Start making Communion wafers.
Recessions Are Good?
Many see moral uplift as a result of the slumping economy.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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