Church Life+Ministry

The Latest Temptation of Christians
Troubling spite in the debate over The Passion shows that the church needs to take anti-Semitism more seriously.
Winning them softly
Evangelicals try to reach Mormons with respect - and hard science.
Forgotten casualties of an uncivil war
Three million Colombians are displaced, with few prospects.
James Meeks is pastor of one of Chicago's largest churches and state representative of the city's five poorest districts. And that's just part of his ministry.
New Life in a Culture of Death
Hope for Colombia dwells inside its most lethal killing field - Bellavista Prison.
Canadian Anglicans Face Off
"Bishops hold charges against dissenting clergy, but division and suspicion abound"
Hope Amid the Ruins
Anglican bishop in Sudan sees massive church growth.
"One Lord, One Faith, Many Ethnicities"
How to become a diverse organization and keep your sanity
Godly Chutzpah
"Mike Yaconelli took risks, and tens of thousands of evangelicals loved him for it."
Crushing House Churches
Chinese intelligence and security forces attack anew.
The Church in Absentia
Membership in the Church of Scotland has dropped 22 percent—is that enough?
The Colonizers
The best preachers have challenged earth to become more like heaven.
The Name Game
A Roman Catholic archdiocese sues over the word catholic.
Would You Like to Super-Size Your Ministry?
Joan Kroc's $1.5 billion bequest to the Salvation Army promises to boost its admirable outreach, but history suggests new challenges and temptations lie ahead.
Blockbuster Evangelism
"Millions have been converted after seeing films about Jesus, and Hindu radicals are responding with violence"
Renewed Attacks on Christians
Christians continue to suffer in Sri Lanka
Parrying Masons
Tired of reading about gay Anglican clergy? Get ready for the next controversy: Anglican Freemasons
Quotation Marks
"Recent quotes on repentance, modern life, and the Anglican Communion"
Rebuilding Afghanistan U
How Christian scholars are using their heads to change people's hearts at universities worldwide-including the one Osama bin Laden used to roam
News Wrap
"Deaths, promotions, and other tidbits from the religion world"

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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