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Christian Colleges’ Urgent Mission
Christian education is not secular education plus chapel.
Conflict Divides Countercult Leaders
Should Catholics and Evangelicals Join Ranks?
The Burden of Celebrity
Fame, wheather in religious or non-religious circles, always comes with a high price tag.
75-Year-Old Graham a Hit with Youth
Confronting Canada's Secular Slide
Why Canadian evangelicals thrive in a culture often indifferent to religious faith.
Ending the Cold War Between Theologians and Laypeople
Why Christian scholars don't trust laypeople, and what can be done to make the relationship better
Rush Limbaugh: An Ego on Loan from God
Limbaugh is primarily an entertainer, not a political commentator or evangelical prophet. A review of ‘See, I Told You So’ and ‘Rush Limbaugh and the Bible.’
'True Love Waits' Now Worldwide Effort
What Jonathan Edwards Can Teach Us About Politics
Before Jerry Falwell and Jesse Jackson, another preacher ventured into the public square.
RE-Imagining Labeled 'Reckless'
PCUSA says conference pushed 'beyond the boundries.'
Church Names Leader, 86
Reclaiming the Strip Mines: A Writer's Calling

Top Story April 29, 2024

Care for the Environment Is Biblical. It’s Also a Witness to Environmentalists.
Care for the Environment Is Biblical. It’s Also a Witness to Environmentalists.
Do activists often invest their work with religious significance? All the more reason for Christians to be discerning co-laborers.

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