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Did Carey Really Deny that Copts Are Persecuted?
Was the Archbishop of Canterbury misquoted? What did he really mean?
Exorcizing the Desert
The stories of desert fathers' skirmishes with demons pointed to a larger struggle—and victory.
Antony and the Desert Fathers: Recommended Resources
Antony and the Desert Fathers
Antony and the Desert Fathers: From the Editors - Models or Kooks?
The questions that hover in the background of this issue are as pressing as ever.
Antony and the Desert Fathers: Did You Know?
Spiritual Wisdom of the Desert Fathers
The Best There Ever Was
Modern Christian hermits still look to him for inspiration, as did the entire Middle Ages, but today we hardly know him. What did the illiterate recluse, known as Antony of the Desert, do to earn such adulation?
The Life Changing "Life of Antony"
Athanasius's biography was not only a bestseller in its day, but a book that made people stop and think—and act.
Alone in the Desert?
Why thousands of early Christians took up the monastic way.
Ascetic Agitators
The early monks not only prayed in the desert but sometimes rioted in the cities.
Spiritual Pragmatists
For the desert fathers, theology was not the study of God but the study of how to become like God.
Did the Exodus Never Happen?
How two Egyptologists are countering scholars who want to turn the Old Testament into myth.
The Pentecostal Tradition
A sampling of ecstatic experiences reported in different eras of church history
The Spirit-Bearers
If you know a little about Eastern monasticism, you know a great deal about Eastern Orthodoxy.
Eastern Orthodoxy to 1453: Christian History Timeline
Eastern Orthodoxy to 1453 (A.D)
EDITORIAL: Cairo’s Wake-up Call
Although abortion was dealt a setback at the UN population conference, post-Christian values are gaining worldwide.
A Dangerous Confession
The Urge for Poverty
Christian Asceticism from the Early Church Through the Reformation

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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