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Darwin Divides
Christian college professors split on Texas science standards.
The Evolution of Darwin
The scientist's problem with God did not spring from his theory.
Reading, Writing, and Rulings
Courts: Good news for homeschoolers, bad news for Christian schools.
The Man They Made a Monkey
How William Jennings Bryan won a battle but lost a war.
At Origins' Margins
Michael Behe wonders how much Darwinism can really explain.
An End to the Creation/Evolution Wars?
Hugh Ross incorporates common sense into the debate in Creation as Science.
Living with the Darwin Fish
Why the discovery of yet another 'missing link' doesn't destroy my faith.
Creation or Evolution? Yes!
Francis Collins issues a call to stand on the middle ground.
IDing ID's Designer
Darwin's Nemesis shows why the debate isn't going away.
Lessons from a Punker Ph.D.
Don't call my correspondence with Bad Religion's Greg Graffin a debate.
Doubts About Fish Story
Anti-Darwinists downplay 'missing link.'
Science in Wonderland
Getting some perspective (250 million years' worth) on the evolution controversy.
Ohio Strikes a Blow Against 'Investigation and Analysis'
Plus: Wal-Mart's Plan B for Plan B, a dispute over faith-based funding numbers, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Designed Dispute
Curriculum critical of evolution nears approval in Kansas.
Verdict that Demands Evidence
It is Darwinists, not Christians, who are stonewalling the facts.
Were the Darwinists Wrong?
National Geographic stacks the deck.
The Art of Debating Darwin
How to intelligently design a winning case for God's role in creation.
We're Not in Kansas Anymore
Why secular scientists and media can't admit that Darwinism might be wrong.
The Monkey Trial
The first “trial of the century” revealed a great divide separating American Christians.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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