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Theologian of the Spirit
Calvin was no charismatic, but he was closer to it than some Reformed people readily admit.
Chaos Theology
Finding hope in the midst of the terror of creation.
Lost Pentecost
How to capture a richer meaning of our Sunday for the Holy Spirit.
Do Non-Charismatics 'Do' Holy Spirit Baptism?
Ask D. L. Moody, Charles G. Finney, Jonathan Edwards, or Cotton Mather.
Explaining the Ineffable
In Heaven Below, a former Pentecostal argues that his ancestors were neither as outlandish as they seemed nor as otherwordly as they wish to seem.
Indian Pentecost
How a "Holy Ghost revival" among child widows in India became an international sensation and a local wellspring of Christian outreach.
Teaching a Calvinist to Dance
In Pentecostal worship, my Reformed theology finds its groove.
Embrace Your Inner Pentecostal
"Holy Spirit religion" is quietly infiltrating the church, revitalizing us all.
A Wind that Swirls Everywhere
Pentecostal scholar Amos Yong thinks he sees the Holy Spirit working in other religions, too.
Indian Pentecost
How a "Holy Ghost revival" among child widows in India became an international sensation and a local wellspring of Christian outreach.
The Outpoured Spirit
Quotations to stir heart and mind.
The Habits of Highly Effective Bible Readers
What we can learn from the church fathers that will enrich our own Bible study.
Three Wise Men from the East
The Cappadocian Fathers brought the best gift of all: a powerful scriptural defense of the Trinity and Christ's divinity against the Arian heretics.
Meeting Professor Tolkien
An American professor spent a summer with Tolkien. He remembers the man, his faith, and his writings.
A Mind on Fire
Throughtout his eventful life, America's theologian was driven by a vision of the beauty in God's sovereignty.
The Musical Theology of Spirituals
"Nobody knows the trouble I see, nobody knows my sorrow."
The Pentecostal Tradition
A sampling of ecstatic experiences reported in different eras of church history
American Pentecost
The story behind the Azusa Street revival, the most phenomenal event of twentieth-century Christianity.
The Rise of Pentecostalism: Christian History Timeline
The Rise of Pentecostalism

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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