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Los seres humanos somos mayordomos, no esclavos de Dios
El concepto bíblico de imago Dei distingue la narrativa judeocristiana de otras historias antiguas sobre el origen de las cosas.
Human Beings Are Stewards, Not Slaves to God
The biblical concept of imago Dei sets the Judeo-Christian narrative apart from other ancient origin stories.
這位哲學家和神學家對《創世紀》、人類起源和歷史中的亞當(the historical Adam)等問題提出了新的假設。
这位哲学家和神学家对《创世纪》、人类起源和历史中的亚当(the historical Adam)等问题提出了新的假设。
William Lane Craig Explores the Headwaters of the Human Race
The philosopher and theologian ventures a new hypothesis on Genesis, human origins, and the historical Adam.
The Debate Beneath Our Debates on the Pandemic and the Protests
Our divided responses to national challenges reflect deep divisions on what it means to be human.
What If We Don’t Have to Choose Between Evolution and Adam and Eve?
How insights from genealogy can help change the terms of a contentious debate.
Origins Opinion Surveys Evolve from ‘How’ to ‘Who’
Many Christians affirm evolution once researchers leave room for God's role in it.
The Lost World of Adam and Eve
Old Testament scholar John Walton affirms a historical Adam—but says there are far more important dimensions to Genesis.
Do Celebrity Debates Help Christian Persuasion?
Ken Ham and Bill Nye will debate creationism. Experts discuss whether such debates are helpful.
Rethinking the Origins Debate
Most Americans—and most Christians—do not fall neatly into creationist or evolutionist camps.
Where Did We Come From?
How Milton, Paley, and Darwin help us answer the question.
A New Creation Story
Why do more homeschoolers want evolution in their textbooks?
Christianity and Scientific Concerns
Six evangelical scholars--including C. Everett Koop--in a panel discussion on technology and bioethics.
God Did It
But I don't know exactly how the world was created.
Evangelical Evolutionists Meet in New York
N. T. Wright, Tim Keller, John Ortberg among Biologos conference attendees.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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