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Solution Stalemate
Evangelical ambivalence mirrors national immigration gridlock.
'Destroy the Christian Religion'
Campaign against Christians presses problem with refugee resettlement.
The Town that Loves Refugees
Christians in Utica, New York are resettling the world one displaced soul at a time.
Fleeing Nineveh
Threatened by persistent violence, Assyrian Christians in Iraq want to govern themselves.
The Gospel for All People
It's not your father's missions movement.
Immigration Fuels Hispanic Church Activity
Latino evangelicals have been voting Republican, but may be shifting.
Seeking Biblical Principles to Inform Immigration Policy
Scripture provides more than easy slogans and soft platitudes about welcoming foreigners.
The Call of Samuel
Samuel Rodriguez wants to build a bridge between Hispanic and Anglo evangelicals.
Homeland Security Says 'Way Too Much Fraud' in Religious Visa Program
Plus: A victory for Christian Legal Society chapter, Egypt attack thwarted, manufactured spirituality, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Money Talks
Activists hope to change North Korea by punishing China's economy.
Iraqi Christians Enter Through Mexico, Seek Asylum
Plus: Government workplace evangelism, church discipline lawsuit to Texas Supreme Court, major problems for Presbyterian and Baptist denominations, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Homeland Security's Catch-22 for Exiles
'Ridiculous' interpretation of law bars thousands.
A Prayer for Lenas and Luis
How one racially diverse church ministers to foreigners, while submitting to Caesar.
Un Problema Grande, No?
What major league baseball reveals about the dangers of immigration.
Alien Proposals
Evangelical leaders divided over moral, policy questions on immigration.
Blessed is the Law—Up to a Point
A gentle challenge—and invitation—to the critics of our recent immigration editorial.
A Delicate Hospitality
How Hispanic churches in Southern California negotiate the dilemmas of ministry with undocumented immigrants.
On Immigration Issue, Big Evangelical Groups Conspicuously Mum
Policy groups say they have other issues to focus on.
Q&A: Justus Reid Weiner on Palestinian Christians
If they're not sitting on their suitcases, they've already left.
France: The Ire and the Fire
God's people in the midst of the riots.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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