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Roman Catholic Reform: John XXIII
Elected to be a caretaker pope, he decided instead to revolutionize Catholicism.
Are Evangelicals Missing God at Church? (Part 1 of 2)
Why so many are rediscovering worship in other traditions.
Are Evangelicals Missing God at Church? (Part 2 of 2)
Why so many are rediscovering worship in other traditions.
Rediscovering the Sabbath, Part 1
The Sabbath is the most challenging—and necessary—spiritual discipline for contemporary Christians.
An Inkeeper's Faith
Christianity in one Spanish village—a historical re-creation.
Parenting With Mother Church
In the medieval world, what you taught your children was not just your business.
Thomas Cranmer and the English Reformation: Did You Know?
Little-known and remarkable facts about Thomas Cranmer and the English Reformation.
Unmatched Masterpiece
The cadences of Cranmer's Book of Common Prayer continue to nurture Christians worldwide.
Thomas Cranmer and the English Reformation: Christian History Interview - The Tradition Continues
The distinctive legacy of Thomas Cranmer, and the Anglican "middle way" today.
John Knox and the Scottish Reformation: Christian History Interview - Prophet Without Honor?
Why many are tempted to disown Knox, and why we shouldn't.
Preacher of Revolution
John Knox provoked rulers, incited riots, and inspired a reformation in Scotland.
Worship Before and After
How the reformers radically changed Christian worship in Scotland.
What It Takes to Worship Well
An interview with Tim Keller
Giving glory to God is good for the giver.
540 Benedict Writes His Monastic Rule
His flexible, compassionate guidelines for Christian community forever shaped monastic life—and influenced Western society.
1962 The Second Vatican Council
In an epochal council, the Catholic Church undertook its most searching self-examination ever and renewed itself for a modern world.
Inside Church Fights
An interview with Speed Leas

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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