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High society believer
Parents and Prodigals
As my daughter leaves for college, packing up her belongings, she is still a stranger to me.
Choosing Life at the Movies
2007 could be remembered as the Year of Pro-Life Cinema.
Blessed Are the Barren
The kingdom of God springs forth from the empty womb.
We Are Not Pregnant
The glory of men and women lies in their unbridgeable differences.
Disorderly Disciplines
When I entered motherhood, my traditional spiritual life became impossible.
Surviving a Family-Wrecking Economy
What the church can do about working mothers.
Don't Cede the High Ground
Our abortion views don't rest on sociological data.
Faith of Our Mothers
The history of the church would have looked very different without these famous moms.
Better Late Than Never
Pregnancy care centers move to the inner city.
The Other Plan B
Anne Lamott's sequel to 'Traveling Mercies'.
For Shame?
Why Christians should welcome, rather than stigmatize, unwed mothers and their children.
The Case for Kids
A defense of the large family by a 'six-time breeder.'
A Counter Trend—Sort Of
Large families are a small but growing minority.
A Hard Pill to Swallow
How the tiny tablet upset my soul.
Why I Apologized to Planned Parenthood
My difficult unplanned pregnancy impelled me to show a little more grace.
God Amid Tragedy
A review of When I Lay My Isaac Down.
When My Son Was Arrested for Murder
Finding faith under unthinkable circumstances.
Mary: From the Editor
Mary and the Flabbergasting Fact
The Queen Mother?
John seems to tap a Hebrew political tradition to show Mary in an exalted role.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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