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The First Bible Teachers: Did You Know?
Interesting and unusual facts about the church's first Bible interpreters
The First Battle For the Bible
A century after Christ's death, a literalist and a spiritualizer forced the church to choose how it would read the Scriptures it inherited from the Jews
Midwife of the Christian Bible
Irenaeus identified the books of the New Testament, then showed the church how they fit with the Old.
Anatomy of an Explosion
It's an indelible image: the white missionary venturing into deepset Africa. But the real story is what happened when African converts relayed the gospel message in their own words.
A Leopard Among the Bannas
Mahay Choramo faced down hardship and violent opposition to the murderous nomads of Ethiopia's southern frontier.
Eusebius's Ancestors
First-century rivals for the title Father of Church History.
Goodness, Gracious(ness), Great Balls of Fire
Visions of eternity just aren't what they used to be.
Apocalypse Now
Revelation says more about church life today than about how the world will end.
The Pursuing Father
What we need to know about this often misunderstood Middle Eastern parable.
The Life & Times of Jesus of Nazareth: Recommended Resources
The Life & Times of Jesus of Nazareth
Evangelism in the Early Church: Recommended Resources
Evangelism in the Early Church
When God Declares War
The violence of God can only be understood in the shadow of the Cross.
ARTICLE: Who Do Scholars Say That I Am?
Religion With a Human Face
One woman's extraordinary faith reveals much about the ordinary faith of the Middle Ages.
The Apostle Paul and His Times: Did You Know?
Little-known and remarkable facts about Paul and his times.
The Apostle Paul and His Times: A Gallery of Paul's Inner Circle
What happened to the people who worked most closely with him?

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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