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Is the President America's Pastor in Chief?
Why Mitt Romney's Mormonism does matter.
Abortion and the Election
Obama or Romney could employ a practical approach to abortion reduction as a way to attract swing voters, so why is it a taboo topic?
Why Gay Marriage Is More Than a Legal Issue
The marriage debate shouldn't drive us to outrage or panic.
Q & A: Philip Ryken on Wheaton’s Contraception Mandate Lawsuit: 'A Last Resort'
The college president explains why it's is suing, and why now.
Wheaton College Joins Lawsuits Fighting the Contraception Mandate
Mandate "would force the College to violate its religious beliefs or pay," school says.
What Summer Camp has to do with Taxes
This simple experience of play and learning and exploring and resting seems to me like a quintessential American summertime, and yet I was reminded recently that my children’s summer is a mark of privilege.
Youcef Nadarkhani: 1,000 Days (and Counting) in Iranian Prison
State Department renews call for release of pastor sentenced to death.
Why We Should Reexamine the Faith of Barack Obama
How Christians might think about the Gospel and the President.
Barack Obama: Evangelical-in-Chief?
How Christians might think about the President's faith.
I'm Not Julia: Why Obama's American Woman Doesn't Speak for Me
By the government's estimate, women are best when they live life alone. Not so fast.
How Evangelicals Have Shifted in Public Opinion on Same-Sex Marriage
And what President Obama's announcement could mean politically and legally.
Obama Emphasizes Faith at Q, Easter Events
More Americans say the administration is unfriendly to religion as the President hosts annual Easter prayer breakfast, speaks to the Q conference.
Timeline: Obama Administration Actions Affecting U.S. Religious Freedom
How we got to the current religious liberty debates over contraception and other issues.
Santorum Wrong to Reignite 'Freedom of Worship' Controversy
Religious freedom rhetoric should not be a partisan tool.
Obama Does Not Widen Religious Exemption for Contraceptive Mandate
The burden to cover contraception shifts to the insurance companies, but an earlier exemption for religious groups will not change.
The Similarities and Differences in Eric Metaxas's and President Obama's Prayer Breakfast Addresses
The 'Bonhoeffer' biographer emphasized care for the unborn as the President emphasized care for the poor.
The Ironies of Obama's National Prayer Breakfast Speech
The President seems to be debating himself on religious motivations and the common good.
Kids' Diets: Why We Need Immovable Love, Not 'Let's Move'
Where Michelle Obama's anti-obesity campaign falls short.
Obama Visit Challenges 'African Woman' Stereotype
The Young African Women Leaders Forum demonstrated that not all African women are victims and in need of Western help.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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