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Arizona Pro-Life Groups Pray Against Abortion Ballot Measure
A dozen states could vote on the issue come November.
Constitutionnalisation de l’avortement : les évangéliques français appellent à une culture de la vie.
Malgré la déception suscitée par le vote de leurs législateurs, les églises ont encore devant elle des occasions d’aimer et de servir.
As France Makes Abortion a Constitutional Right, Evangelicals Seek to Promote Culture of Life
Despite disappointment over the vote, churches see opportunities to love and serve.
Federal Convictions of Pro-Lifers Blocking Clinics Are Rising
Six more protestors received guilty verdicts this week and face more than 10 years in prison. Prosecutors are using a charge that has prompted a new legal debate.
Indian and Chinese Cultures Favor Baby Boys. Here’s How Immigrant Churches Counsel Expectant Couples
Honor-shame dynamics color how Christians have these sensitive conversations.
Are Pro-Life Laws Working?
The national abortion rate rose slightly after Dobbs but plummeted in states with abortion restrictions.
Why Singaporean Churches Don’t Talk About Abortion
As young people become more accepting of abortion, pro-life ministries encourage pastors to talk about sex and unplanned pregnancies.
How to Combat the Conflict Entrepreneurs
Pugilists can only succeed where there are willing customers. All of us can resolve to invest elsewhere.
Pro-Life Protestor Acquitted in Federal Case
The case of Mark Houck was one of more than two dozen the DOJ has pursued against pro-life protestors since “Dobbs.”
Should Christians Support Making Birth Free?
In the wake of Roe’s 50th anniversary, four believing experts discuss the merits and challenges of the Make Birth Free proposal.
Why the Pro-Life Movement (Still) Needs Jesus
At their biblical best, American evangelical Christians affirm the intrinsic value of all human life.
Roe Is Over. But Its Libertarian Spirit Lives On.
Misguided views of freedom plague America’s pro-abortion culture and the pro-life church.
Five States to Vote on Abortion Rights This Election Day
Christian pro-life activists have their eyes on a record-high number of ballot measures, including state constitutional amendments.
5 Reasons for Progressive Christians to Join the Pro-Life Cause
Our historic, global faith tradition connects sanctity of life with social justice.
How Americans Got Away with Abortion Before ‘Roe v. Wade’
Looking ahead, Christians should focus less on enforcement than on changing cultural attitudes.
Qui paie le prix des grossesses non désirées ?
Les premiers opposants à l’avortement aux États-Unis soutenaient les mesures d’assistance aux mères. Pourquoi certains se sont-ils éloignés de cette approche ?

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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