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It's All Gift
As it turns out, your success probably has little to do with you.
The Most Influential Reformer You've Never Heard of
Hannah More shows us what happens when Christians focus on world-changing instead of in-fighting.
Jesus Feels Your Pain
Critics say American Christianity downplays Christ's suffering. Two Reformed scholars answer the charge.
Do Bats Really Pose More Danger to Churches than the Reformation Did?
One British MP says an environmental directive puts medieval art and architecture at risk.
What Has Grand Rapids to Do with Detroit?
How Reformed church leaders are bridging the wide divide between East and West Michigan.
Catholics and Baptists Together
The recent synod of bishops sounded notes Protestants can sing.
Go Overboard Celebrating Christmas
A godliness that won't delight in fudge and eggnog is no godliness at all.
Timothy George on the Reformers' Postmodern Moment
The historical theologian says Luther and Calvin show us how to read the Bible for the sake of the church.
Remember the Red Sea
Why not capitalize on the richness and mystery of our ancient symbols?
Reforming the Reformed
Calvinists, says one Calvinist, misunderstand some of their history and theology. A review of 'Ten Myths About Calvinism.'
Reformed Rap and Hip-Hop
Christian genre pioneers are taking their cues from Calvinist leaders.
The Enduring Church
Believers in every age worry about the collapse of the faith.
Honest Appraisal
Learning from reformers, past and present.
The Reformer
How Al Mohler transformed a seminary, helped change a denomination, and challenges a secular culture.
The Risks God Takes
Why a little church history is a dangerous—and necessary—thing.
Living God's Ongoing Story
N.T. Wright says character matters, but thinks the Reformers disagreed.
Wrightians and the Neo-Reformed: 'All One in Christ Jesus'
A dispatch from Together for the Gospel and Wheaton's Theology Conference with N.T. Wright.
Piper, Warren, and the Perils of Movement Building
Why the debate over separatism still matters.
The Lost Art Of Catechesis
It's a tried and true way of teaching, among other things, Christian doctrine.
Marilynne Robinson, Narrative Calvinist
John Calvin has given the Pulitzer Prize-winning author a way of seeing that imbues her novels with the grandeur of God.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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