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The American Church Is a Mess. But I’m Still Hopeful.
Attrition rates and leadership failures are only one part of the story.
For Cosmopolitan Christians, Secular Approval Is a Common Temptation
Elite believers often sound more like disciples of Jacques Derrida than Jesus Christ. That needs to change.
From Monks and Bells to Apps and Notifications
The church used to keep the tempo of life. Now Silicon Valley is pushing the pace—and pulling the church along with it.
In a Post-Christian Culture, There’s No Good Way Around Being the ‘Baddies’
If we have to wear the villain label, we can at least wear it with calmness, confidence, and joy.
Parents chrétiens : Vous n'avez pas à protéger vos enfants des opinions divergentes
Si ce que nous leur enseignons est vrai, un examen minutieux ne fera que le confirmer.
Christian Parents: You Don’t Have to Protect Your Children from Divergent Opinions
If what we teach them is true, it will stand up to scrutiny.
A Christian Approach to Social Justice Is Slow, Careful, and Self-Reflective
Thaddeus Williams asks good questions about contemporary zeal for change. But there are questions to ask of his critique as well.
Bethlehem Is More Than a Sentimental Backdrop to Christmas in the West
How Christians are celebrating the holiday in the town of Jesus’ birth—and across the broader Middle East.
Contra Rod Dreher, Not All Signs Point to a Woke Dictatorship in America
What his new book gets right, and what it misses.
Gambia’s New Sharia-Friendly Constitution Fails. But Christians Are Still Concerned.
Though pleased with the draft’s overall democratic reforms, leaders are frustrated that “Christian rights do not matter” in the West African nation.
The City That Never Stops Worshipping
Though some have likened it to Sodom and Gomorrah, New York City has a long history of religious vibrancy.
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Died: Édouard Nelson, a French-American Church Planter Who Wanted Secular Parisians to Know the Gospel
The vice president of the Evangelical Council of Churches in France was passionate about training and equipping the next generation of leaders.
Я через это уже проходил … в России
Почему Америка сегодня похожа на Россию начала 90-х, и почему в этом кроется благоприятная возможность для христиан.
Secular Faiths Are Remaking the American Religious Landscape
Tara Isabella Burton’s report on the ascendance of “Remixed” spirituality is equal parts fascinating and dismaying.
I’ve Experienced This Cultural Moment Before … in Russia
Why America today feels like Russia in the early ’90s and why that’s an opportunity for Christians.
I’m a Professional Evangelist. This Book Reawakened My First Love.
After reading Rebecca Manley Pippert’s follow-up to “Out of the Saltshaker,” I’ve never been more excited to talk about Jesus.
The Jury Is Still Out on Europe’s Religious Future
The moral revolution of the 1960s dealt a blow to Christian faith on the continent, but it might not have the final word.
Can the Church Save Marriage?
Matrimony rates are in decline, even among conservative Christians. Here’s what that means for the future.
In the French Riviera, Both Arab Immigrants and Their Secular Neighbors Need Jesus
A missionary couple shares the fragrance of Christ in the perfume capital of the world.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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