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Should Churches Abandon Travel-Intensive Short-Term Missions in Favor of Local Projects?
Three missions experts weigh in.
Should Churches Halt Missions Trips to Mexico?
Observers weigh in.
Wasted Charity
Why the 'compassion industry' is not helping the poor. A review of 'Toxic Charity'
Believers on the MOVE
A suburban Chicago church ministers to Muslims at home and abroad.
Youth with a Passion
In its first 50 years, YWAM has deployed four million workers in 240 countries. Now it sets its sights on 152 remaining unreached people groups.
Harnessing Haiti's Football Fever
How one ministry is using Haitians' passion for soccer to dispel post-earthquake stress.
Homeward Bound?
Short-term missions may be shifting domestic.
'Best Time for a Christian'
Resilient evangelicals vow to restore Haiti, body and soul.
Honduran Hiatus
Political crisis disrupts short-term missions season, prompts introspection by church leaders.
Global is the New Local
Princeton's Robert Wuthnow says American congregations are more international than ever.
Faith on the Frontera
Drug violence halts church trips to short-term missions mecca.
Hiding What They Seek
In my desire to be 'seeker-friendly,' I'm often guilty of concealing Jesus.
Missionary Myths
Why the Great Commission still applies.
Missions Boot Camp
As these teens prepare for short-term trips, they learn more about how to talk about Jesus.
Unexpected Global Lessons
How short-term mission is becoming a two-way street.
In the Aftermath of a Kidnapping
The South Korean missionary movement seeks to mature without losing its zeal.
Short-Term Troubles
Lessons from the South Korean kidnappings in Afghanistan.
Missions Isn't Safe
Let's not learn the wrong lessons from the South Korean kidnappings.
Support Strong for Danger Zone Missions
Despite kidnappings, active U.S. Christians still encourage mission trips to embattled nations.
Hostages' Pastor: 'Remorse Is the Face of the Church'
Interview with Park Eun-jo: 'I don't want this to be a stumbling block for missions.'

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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