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Celibate Priests: What You Need to Know
How we've discussed clerical celibacy over the years.
Quick To ListenEpisode 181|47min
Catholic Leaders Are Discussing Married Priests, Female Church Leadership, and Climate Change
What Protestants need to know about Pope Francis’s Amazon Synod.
Pro-Lifers: Remember This Phrase from Pope Francis
Whatever our differences with Catholic social teaching, we should echo his opposition to “throwaway culture.”
Francis of Arabia: Will UAE’s Warm Welcome Help Christians Feel More at Home?
Religious freedom on the agenda as pope leads largest-ever Christian gathering in the heart of Islam.
Francis Effect Fades: Pope’s Approval Drops Most Among Evangelicals
The latest abuse investigations have rattled non-Catholics’ perceptions more than Catholics themselves, according to survey data.
How Evangelicals Do Ecumenism
The World Evangelical Alliance explains why it’s engaging more with Rome.
Quick To ListenEpisode 125|54min
What Evangelicals Need to Know About the Catholic Sex Abuse Scandal
Protestants can both learn from and minister to this community during a very harrowing season.
Pew: No Pope Francis ‘Effect’ Among US Christians
The pope remains popular, but hasn’t inspired people to join his church—or even roused Catholics to go to Mass more often.
The Lord’s Prayer’s Hard Plea
Does God lead us into temptation? Do we have to ask him not to?
Three European Alliances Warn Evangelical-Catholic Unity Is Going Too Far
World Evangelical Alliance explains why Italy, Spain, and Malta leaders shouldn’t fear that global group has fallen for the ‘Francis effect.’
Why Chile’s Churches Are Under Attack as Pope Francis Visits
Evangelical and Catholic churches targeted by radical members of a largely Christian indigenous group.
Should the Lord’s Prayer Be Changed?
Experts weigh in on Pope Francis' recent support for changing the wording "lead us not into temptation."
Quick To ListenEpisode 86|45min
What the Pope’s Myanmar Trip Means for Local Christians
Despite ongoing violence, the Burmese church persists.
Can Pope Francis Help Myanmar’s Muslims Without Hurting Its Christians?
The answer in majority-Buddhist Burma hinges on one controversial word: Rohingya.
Almost No One in the US Believes in a ‘Consistent Ethic of Life’
Pope Francis’ critique of President Trump would apply to 96 percent of Americans, surveys suggest.
'Finally': What the Pope and the Patriarch's Cuba Meeting Meant
A snapshot of Christian witness in the world (as it appeared in our April issue).
How Trump Tempts Us
Politics is not about one thing, but many things held in tension.
Pope Francis Quiet on Catholic Persecution of Protestants in Mexico
(UPDATED) Two dozen Protestant families get utilities turned back on after two years of punishment.
Why Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill Made Christian History in Cuba
(UPDATED) ISIS persecution of Christians prompts first meeting between Catholic and Orthodox primates since 1054.
The Top 20 Most-Read Gleanings of 2015
The 50 countries where it's most difficult to be a Christian, 'The Boy from Heaven' retracts his story, Elisabeth Elliot passes through gates of splendor, and more.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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