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Pope Francis: Let Moms Breastfeed in Church
'If they are hungry, mothers, let them eat,' reiterates pontiff at Sistine Chapel.
Billy Graham's Record Grows (Again) as 'Most Admired Man' in America
(UPDATED) Out of 11 famous men, evangelist ties Bill Clinton in 2013.
Five Things Evangelicals Will Cheer in Pope Francis' Plan to Change the Catholic Church
In 'Evangelii Gaudium' (The Joy of the Gospel), Francis says too many Christians have lost the joy of the Lord.
Second Surprise Interview with Pope Francis: A 'Theological Wreck'?
Russell Moore, others react to pope's Q&A with atheist editor.
What You Should Know About the Pope's New Interview
Francis’s comments weren’t just about abortion and gay marriage.
Our Francis, Too
Why we can enthusiastically join arms with the Catholic leader.
My Cynical Christian Reality Check
How Pope Francis taught me about my own Christian stereotypes.
Gleanings: May 2013
Important developments in the church and the world.
Pope Francis's Emerging Revolution
I'm not a Catholic, but each day brings more encouraging news about the new bishop of Rome.
Argentine Evangelicals Say Bergoglio as Pope Francis Is 'Answer to Our Prayers'
First Latin American pope offers opportunity to 'rethink differences' and 'join hands in mission.'
Why Pope Francis Excites (Most) Evangelical Leaders
Bergoglio expected to focus on poverty and set a friendlier tone in Protestant-Catholic relations.
Luis Palau: Why It Matters that Pope Francis Drinks Mate with Evangelicals
An interview with international evangelist (and native Argentine) on his friend, Jorge Bergoglio.
The First Latin American Pope: Bergoglio, Archbishop of Buenos Aires
(Updated) Bergoglio, elected on fifth ballot, has chosen the name Pope Francis.
A Pope for All Christians
Why believers of all stripes should care about the new head of the Catholic Church.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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