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In Six-Hour Meeting, Park Street Votes to Affirm Current Leadership
Senior minister Mark Booker asks the historic evangelical congregation to commit to work of repair after “break of trust.”
Petra Means Rock Churches: Jordan Permits Site’s First Prayers in 1,400 Years
Religious tourism initiative at ancient city recalls Moab, Byzantium, and Arab tribal Christianity, amid speculation on Paul’s possible first missionary journey.
Amid Catholic Crackdown, Nicaragua Closes 250 Evangelical Ministries
Mountain Gateway became the latest Christian ministry to run afoul of the Ortega regime.
Por que os evangélicos não têm medo de serem superados pelos “sem igreja”?
Líderes acreditam que Cristo ainda oferece as respostas que os “sem igreja” estão procurando, mesmo que estejam afastados por causa de suas experiências religiosas.
Macetando o Apocalipse ou o testemunho cristão?
À medida que as igrejas evangélicas continuam a se multiplicar, os líderes pedem bom senso sobre quando e como testemunhar.
Was Carnival Rapture Warning Courageous or Inappropriate? Brazil Debates Eschatology
After pop star’s surprise witness ends with a bang, evangelical leaders discuss whether to axe apocalypse talk as ineffective evangelism.
​​Trump on Track to Sweep South Carolina
Despite some tension within churches over the candidates, evangelicals mostly side with the former president’s track record over their former governor Nikki Haley.
Alabama Rules that Frozen Embryos Are Children
The first-of-its kind decision affirms life at its earliest stages but complicates the future of IVF.
Report: Iran Arrested 166 Christians in 2023, Targeting Bible Distributors
Four watchdog groups unite to urge UK parliament to hold Tehran accountable for “faceless victims” of Islamic reeducation and other religious freedom violations.
Park Street Divided: Congregation Asked to End Conflict with a Vote
A clash over leadership at the landmark evangelical church in Boston is testing the strength of democratic governance.
Through Compassion Philippines, Locals Can Now Sponsor Children
Following in the footsteps of South Korea, the most-Christian country in Asia opens its own fundraising office.
Décès de l’autrice Letha Dawson Scanzoni, précurseure du féminisme biblique
Sa lecture égalitarienne des écritures lui valut des critiques et son soutien à la reconnaissance de la communauté LGBTQ la mit à l’écart du monde évangélique.
Mike Bickle é acusado de abusar de uma menina de 14 anos, antes da fundação da IHOP
O ministério de oração sediado em Kansas City pediu desculpas e clamou por arrependimento, depois que outra vítima se manifestou.
Meet the Iranian Christians Crafting an Evangelical Alliance
Introducing 11 of the dozens of diaspora ministries working to unite one of the world’s fastest-growing gospel movements.
Black Americans Who Leave Church Don’t Go Far
How their disaffiliation stands to have a bigger impact on their communities and why leaders are hopeful they’ll come back.
Why Evangelicals Aren’t Afraid of Being Outnumbered by Nones
Church leaders believe Christ still offers the answers that the religiously unaffiliated are looking for, even if religious baggage is driving them away.
Росія обмежує діяльність церков в Україні. Розділені православні критикують обидві сторони.
Українська міжцерковна делегація на саміті в окрузі Колумбія розповіла, що Росія під час війни зруйнувала 630 релігійних об'єктів. Думка церкви, пов'язаної з Москвою, при цьому не була врахована.
Россия ограничивает деятельность церквей в Украине. Разделенные православные критикуют обе стороны.
Украинская межцерковная делегация на саммите в округе Колумбия рассказала о том, что Россия во время войны разрушила 630 религиозных объектов. Мнение церкви, связанной с Москвой, при этом не было учтено.

Top Story May 7, 2024

Goodbye Postmodernism, Hello Metamodernism
Goodbye Postmodernism, Hello Metamodernism
Our apologetics must evolve to engage with the new cultural mood of the next generations.

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