
Wisdom in a Time of War
What Oswald Chambers and C.S. Lewis teach us about living through the long battle with terrorism
"The True, the Good, and the Beautiful Christian"
Beauty is making a comeback in science and theology. Will it find its place in the lives of believers?
Closed to Openness: Scholars Vote: God Knows Future
But supporters of open theism say they'll stay in the Evangelical Theological Society despite resolution
Welcoming the Uninvited Savior
"When the Holy Family fled Bethlehem, Herod's evil became a blessing for Egypt"
Rethinking Pacifism
Many peace-church leaders, shaken by attacks, reexamine their beliefs
Has God Played Fair?
Why did an omniscient God create humankind knowing that people, in every generation, would reject him?
Wake-up Call
If September 11 was a divine warning, it's God's people who are being warned
Foreknowledge Debate Clouded by Political Agenda
Evangelical Theologians differ over excluding Open Theists.
Who Are We to Judge?
Did Jesus forbid us from judging others?
Where Was God on 9/11?
Reflections from Ground Zero and beyond.
Possessed or Obsessed?
Many Christians say they are in need of deliverance but some may be giving demons more than their due
Exorcism 101
What can we learn from the way Jesus cast out demons?
Judgment Day
God promised that calamity would follow disobedience. So why are we quick to dismiss it as a reason for the September 11 attacks?
Prayer After 9.11.01
"The author of The Prayer of Jabez says now, more than ever, we need to seek God's power."
Experts Say Spiritual Roots Will Aid in Coping With Catastrophe
"Pray and connect with others, advise nation's chaplains"
God's Message in the Language of Events
"In the face of evil, we must focus on keeping our hearts right"
Fear and Hate
"In times like this, as in all other times, Christians have a responsibility to love above all else."
When Sin Reigns
An event like this shows us what humans are capable of becoming—both as children of darkness and of light
Was September 11 the Beginning of the End?
Observers say geography and gravity of attacks have led to little prophecy speculation.
Now What?
A Christian response to religious terrorism.

Top Story July 26, 2024

‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
French evangelicals are working together to show people Jesus at 2024 Olympic Games.

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