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Christian History

Today in Christian History

November 3

November 3, 753 (traditional date): Pirminius, the first Abbot of Reichenau (Germany) dies. His pastoral instruction book, Scarapsus, contains the earliest evidence for the present form of the Apostles' Creed.

November 3, 1534: The British Parliament passes the Act of Supremacy, officially making England Protestant and putting the English monarch at the head of the nation's church (see issue 48: Thomas Cranmer).

November 3, 1600: Richard Hooker, an Anglican rector whose book Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity is a classic on the relationship between church and state, dies in England.

Read These Next

May 5, 553: The Second Council of Constantinople convenes under the presidency of Eutychius, the city's new patriarch. The council, loaded with bishops from the Eastern church, attacked Nestorianism (a "heresy"—many have questioned that anathema—that overemphasizes Christ's dual nature as God and man). Nestorian Christians exist to this Day (see issue 51: Heresy in the Early Church).

May 5, 1525: Frederick III, the elector of Saxony also called "Frederick the Wise," ...

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