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"Christian History Corner: J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis, a Legendary Friendship"
A new book reveals how these two famous friends conspired to bring myth and legend—and Truth—to modern readers
The Ten Commandments, How Deep Our Debt
The words of the Decalogue run like a river through not only the church but also English and American history
Where Have All the Classics Gone?
These days it's a triumph when a movie is simply inoffensive. But we can do better than that
Simeon's Brigade
England's churches were reawakened by 1,100 young ministers, who learned their craft from an awkward, unpopular, and sometimes angry mentor.
Tangling with Wolves
Why we still need heresy trials
How John Wesley Changed America
His 300th birthday should be a red-letter day on this side of the ocean. After all, we're all Wesleyans now
The African Lion Roars in the Western Church
Anglican liberals are fretting, conservatives rejoicing, and all are scrambling to their history books: whence this new evangelical force on the world scene?
Did Eric Rudolph Act in a Tradition of Christian Terror?
A historian considers the evidence of the Crusades and the Inquisition
When World Leaders Pray, Part II
Tony Blair's spin-doctors worried when he recently outed himself as a Christian. But what impact has Christianity really had on our leaders?
The Day the Ransoming Began
A gripping new book details the first American missionary hostage crisis, over 100 years ago
When World Leaders Pray
Some observers are upset with Tony Blair's recent public avowal of faith. But what impact has Christianity really had on our leaders?
Top Ten 'Starter Books'
Get rooted in the Christian past with these riveting reads of primary sources.
Top Ten Entry Points to Christian History
Some enjoyable ways to get the most out of the work of church historians
The Goodness of Good Friday
An unhappy celebration—isn't that an oxymoron?
Understanding Tolkien: Recommended Resources
From light romps to profound reads, a bumper crop of books tells us more about the maker of Middle-earth.
Got Your 'Spiritual Director' Yet?
"The roots of a resurgent practice, plus 14 books for further study"
Top Ten Entry Points to Christian History
Some enjoyable ways to get the most out of the work of church historians.
Top Ten Reasons to Read Christian History
War's reports deluge us every hour. Why should we read the "old news" of Christian history?
Top Ten 'Starter Books'
Get rooted in the Christian past with these riveting reads of primary sources