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Advice Rejected
Lambeth Commission report leaves church in disarray.
Windsor Report Leaves Conservative Episcopalians Hopping Mad
Windsor Report Leaves Conservative Episcopalians Hopping Mad
Second-Best Kid Lit Ever
John Granger considers the Potter series the best thing since The Chronicles of Narnia.
John Eldredge thinks too many Christians are weak, and churches are often insipid-and he's not going to take it anymore
Network for the Alienated
Episcopal conservatives seek to reclaim wayward church.
An Anglican Rorschach Test
Conservatives and liberals fide hope in statement
Gay Bishop Consecrated Despite Objections
"Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold, head of the Episcopal Church USA, led the service"
Reimagining Anglican Bonds of Affection
Orthodox American leaders begin describing what realignment of the Anglican Communion might look like
Resolved: Conventions Are Hell
Ten truths that can help reformers survive (and thrive) at annual denominational meetings
Conservative Episcopalians Challenge Church Politics as Usual
"A Place to Stand conference combines unofficial convention, pep rally, and communiqué to Anglican leaders"
Dispatch: Conservatives Just Got Clobbered
Last week's American Anglican Council meeting in Texas announced victory prematurely
Florida Bishop Defies Episcopal Church Head
The consecration of a new bishop becomes the latest battleground between Frank Griswold and the American Anglican Council
Dispatch: Deputies Slice into the Gordian Knot
The Episcopal Church's House of Deputies approves Gene Robinson as New Hampshire Bishop. The House of Bishops will vote today.
Dispatch: Gene Robinson Takes Questions in a Church called Gethsemane
"Speaks on reparative therapy, potential schism, and whether he really left his wife for his male lover"
Dispatch: To My Episcopal Family
Final thoughts from the Episcopal Church's General Convention
Dispatch: Bishops Sanction Local Same-Sex Blessings
"Having confirmed gay bishop, Episcopal leaders turn to discussing same-sex unions"
Dispatch: What in the World Is God Doing?
"For Episcopalians, the night may be darkest before the dawn."
Dispatch: Praise the Lord and Pass the Condoms
"Southern Hemisphere primates warned that approving Gene Robinson would place the church outside most of the world's 72 million Anglicans. You'll get over it, responded about 60 percent of the House of Deputies"
Dispatch: The Bitter Harvest of Sexual Ideology
No one wanted the Gene Robinson bishopric debate to take this sad turn
Dispatch: Darkness in the Afternoon
"Openly homosexual Episcopal priest cleared of misconduct, confirmed as bishop"